(Graphic | Courtesy of City Club of Central Oregon)
Studies have repeatedly shown that equality of the sexes results in higher GDPs nationally, improves business profits professionally, and increases happiness personally. Although a common topic in the workplace, the benefits of equality go well beyond the business setting.
In honor of International Women’s Month, our March forum will focus on the benefits of gender balance professionally, societally and economically in Central Oregon — and how we all can play a part.
Come find out how we can make #HeForShe become #WeForWe!
[#HeForShe is a United Nations movement for men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality. Learn how you can hold yourself and others accountable for this greater standard.]
Facilitator Mike Riley, executive director of The Environmental Center, leads off the discussion with statistics on the benefits of gender equity, defines unconscious bias, as well as opening with some fun facts about everyday things that women invented or discovered and were never given credit.
Carrie Douglass will share her personal experience in seeing the benefits of equality for women. She is a member of the Bend-LaPine School Board and the founder of The Haven — a co-working space focusing on the unique needs of women.
Yong Bakos will share his experience with young women in the classroom focusing on missed opportunities in the business ecosystem as demonstrated from classroom ideas that don’t get traction due to gender bias. He is the Program Lead and Instructor of Computer Science at OSU-Cascades.
Throughout the forum, the speakers will provide examples of how each individual can hold themselves and others accountable for achieving a more gender equal world. The forum ends with filling out a written personal commitment of what attendees are willing to do to work towards a more gender equal society.
Carrie Douglass, Bend-LaPine School Board & founder of The Haven.
Yong Bakos, Program Lead & Instructor of Computer Science, OSU-Cascade facilitator
Mike Riley, executive director The Environmental Center
March 28
11:15am-1pm at Riverhouse on the Deschutes, Bend.
$25 for members; $45 for non-members. Plated lunch included.
Registration fees must be paid in advance of the forum
Registration closes at noon on Monday, March 25.
Register here.