City of Bend Embarking on Long-range Plan for Wastewater (Sewer) Collection System


The City of Bend is embarking on a long-range plan for the City’s wastewater (sewer) collection system, called the Collection System Master Plan. This plan will shape future development and maintenance of Bend’s sewer system. Developing the Collection System Master Plan will help the City achieve a Council goal to invest in Bend’s infrastructure systems to meet community expectations.

The plan will be based on forecasts and assumptions about the City’s future population, housing types, employment and types of development. The City Council’s Community Building Subcommittee will receive information about the land-use projections and assumptions on which the Collection System Master Plan will be developed at a virtual meeting at 9am on October 27. The meeting is open to the public. (Community Building Subcommittee information is here.)

Additional background and related resources:

2014 Collection System Master Plan
2018 Collection System Public Facility Plan
2016 UGB Expansion

Accommodation Information for People with Disabilities
To obtain this information in an alternate format such as Braille, large print, electronic formats, etc. please contact Anne Aurand at 541-388-5573 or


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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