Clean USA Power in Bend, Oregon Generates More Renewable Energy Farms Across U.S. 



(Photo courtesy of Clean USA Power)

Clean USA Power Inc. in Bend is creating opportunities for more renewable energy farms to exist across the nation, as well as long-term income for interested, accredited investors.

Founder and President John Copyak explains that Clean USA Power buys land that is immediately leased to wind and solar companies. These purchases increase the size of the wind and solar farms by filling holes in some of the largest projects in the U.S. More contiguous projects generate more renewable energy. Investors in Clean USA Power receive long term income in the 12-14 percent range, depending on how much energy is generated from year to year.

Copyak started by buying and reselling land in rural areas, and it wasn’t until he was approached by a large wind power company that he realized there was an incredible opportunity to lease the land rather than sell it. Most companies do not wish to buy land they build wind and solar farms on, simply because it is a more expensive start up cost. Land-owners give the developers full rights to use the land in exchange for a long term income stream. Leases are usually written for thirty years or more, and wind and solar farms are designed for long-term energy production.

The company currently owns about 220 leased acres of solar power and about 250 leased acres of wind power. Wind and solar combined, this will generate about 41MW when all of the projects are completed. This is enough energy to power approximately 24,000 Northwest homes with 100 percent renewable energy and it pays investors 12-14 percent income for 30-35 years.

“I am interested in expanding to increase the production of wind and solar farms across the U.S.,” says Copyak. “It is fulfilling to know that we are filling in holes in major renewable energy projects, which produces money and provides safe, alternative energy.” It is a win-win scenario.


About Author

Tori Youngbauer, originally from central Pennsylvania, is a recent graduate of Willamette University. She has a bachelor of arts in English with a concentration in creative writing. She has spent the past four years honing her editing & storytelling skills in a competitive writing program, been a guest writer for The Collegian newspaper & was a part of the publication team for Willamette’s literary arts magazine Chrysalis. Tori has worked as a studio assistant to several artists, where she built & managed artist portfolios & websites in order to establish an online home for their artwork.

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