Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel released a report that documents the results of a recent survey that gauged Deschutes County residents’ views on public safety. The survey was conducted by Dr. Kris Hennings of Portland State University and was commissioned by Hummel and the members of the DeschutesSafe community advisory group he convened in 2015.
Survey respondents indicated that illegal drug use is our county’s top safety concern and that street drugs are having the biggest negative impact on our community’s safety.
The second biggest concern identified by respondents, and the issue that generated the most commentary, was traffic safety. Driving under the influence is believed to be a major public safety issue by respondents, but there was also a high degree of consensus that the issues surrounding traffic safety also relate to drivers driving too fast, being distracted behind the wheel (phone use), and driving too aggressively.
Full survey results are contained in the survey report.
“Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their thoughts on public safety in our community,” said Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel. “The survey results helped guide me in the development of a new program to improve how we handle the prosecution of drug crimes. Stay tuned for the details.”