(Photo courtesy of National Public Health Week)
National Public Health Week 2017 – Generation Public Health
National Public Health Week is April 3-7. In honor of this, Crook County Health & Human Services Department (CCHHS) is hosting two events to celebrate and inform our community about Public Health. CCHHS will be hosting the Prineville Perk on Friday March 31 at the Health Department to provide our business community with the benefits of a strong public health system. On April 5 Muriel DeLaVergne-Brown, Crook County Public Health Director will speak at “What’s Brewing” on the topic of Oregon’s Modernization of the Public Health System and how it will change the work of public health in Crook County.
We all have an interest in the health, safety and prosperity of the communities we live in. Public health has been protecting and supporting communities so that people can thrive and prosper. It’s now time to plan and prepare to protect all Crook County residents from emerging disease and changing conditions that threaten our communities. At the same time, public health must also be a strong partner to help build healthy and vibrant communities.
To achieve the outcomes we seek it requires new strategies and investments that effectively meet the needs of our communities while preserving and expanding the public health protections currently enjoyed by everyone in Crook County. This is the plan for the Modernization of Public Health in Oregon.
For more information on National Public Health Week
For more information on Public Health Modernization
We are proud to serve Crook County residents. To learn more call 541.447.5165 or visit http://co.crook.or.us/Departments/HealthDepartment/HealthHome/tabid/2169/Default.aspx