Demystifying Digital Marketing


(Photo courtesy of SCORE Central Oregon)

Everyone knows that an online presence is a critical marketing component for success in most businesses. Successful enterprises have developed a well-oiled digital marketing strategy that can include effective website presence, the right social media tools in use (Instagram, Facebook, linked in, etc.) and other factors.

Some business owners and managers have harnessed these elements through their own personal trial and error; others hire companies to evolve and manage the process – in some cases at significant cost.

For all the successes in this area, there are also many unproductive attempts. Why do some companies develop leads and new clients/sales from their online presence and others do not?

What leads to digital/online marketing success? Are there some core basics that “make or break” your investment in this area? The answer is yes.

Seeing many questions in this area arise from the SCORE* clients we consult, our organization has put together a workshop series to Demystify Digital Marketing.

Who can benefit from attending? If you are just starting a business. You have a website that is not driving results. You are not sure which social media venues would work best for you.

Even if you have invested in outside resources for a fee, when you “know the basics”, you know better how to ask the right questions and better detect whether or not you are getting the value for what you are paying.

If you are at a stage where you are “hands-on” in making your digital marketing work, this information should be extremely valuable.

Subjects covered in the series will include branding, how results can be tracked and managed, how a website should be designed to be easily found and navigated, how the various social media platforms work and for whom they work best, plus much more.

The two-part series is planned for February 2 and March 2. Each session will be an in-person workshop presentation that will run from 5:30-6:30pm, with time afterward for interaction and questions. The location is the downtown Deschutes Public Library. In addition, if they wish, attendees will be able to participate in an online session two weeks after each workshop to help participants with how to specifically implement the concepts that were presented.

*SCORE is a volunteer mentor organization assisting business entrepreneurs in many areas to help them develop and grow their enterprises.

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