Expanding Access to Childcare for Families & Employers


(Photo courtesy of Visit Bend)

Since the release of the five-year Vision Action Plan in September 2023, Envision Bend has been working to steward the progress of the 28 strategies listed in the plan with identified lead and support partners. The Envision Bend Board selected five strategies to highlight in a Vision Roadshow to bring the community together, spark conversations and increase awareness on vital topics in Central Oregon.

When many hear “Childcare” they primarily think of support for infants to age 5. However, before-school and after-school programs are crucial pieces in the puzzle. Access to quality and affordable childcare is not only a concern for working parents in our community but also for large employers.

This year, Mt. Bachelor began operating their Daycare Center on the mountain year-round for employees and guests.

“Having access to affordable year-round childcare at work is a game changer, especially because I have a non-traditional schedule and my office is up at Mt. Bachelor. I have been bringing my daughter to our on-site daycare since she was 3 months old.
I can count on the staff there to provide safe and enriching experiences, which brings me peace of mind and allows me to focus on my responsibilities as a full-time employee.”
~ Presley Quon, Communications & Community Relations Manager at Mt Bachelor

Organizations like the Bend Chamber and NeighborImpact are working to expand access through their Child Care Expansion Project generating an incredible 944 new slots in Central Oregon.

Similarly, organizations like Central Oregon Community College and Bend Parks and Recreation District have designed creative programs to increase number of childcare professionals and access to affordable care in Central Oregon.

However, expansion progress feels slow to meet the growing needs of families and businesses.

We invite you to join Envision Bend, NeighborImpact, and the Boys & Girls Club on Tuesday, August 20th from 5:00-6:30 pm at the Deschutes Library in Downtown Bend (601 NW Wall Street).

Learn more about the status of childcare in our region, what’s being done, and what is needed!

RSVP for August 20

RSVP to join this no-cost, family-friendly event to learn more from local leaders, share your feedback, and join the conversation.  You can read the complete Expand Access to Childcare Strategy online at envisionbend.org/vision.

In case you missed it! Railroad Vision Event Recap

The Railroad Vision Roadshow event proposed a big question…

Can we move the south and central railroad switchyards in Bend, outside the Urban Growth Boundary?

No surprise, the answer is complex and the path forward challenging. But the community’s desire for increased railroad safety and redevelopment outlined in the Vision Action Plan remains a call to action. We can look to other cities such as Sioux Falls, SD and Atlanta, GA who have embarked on similar railroad projects as examples.

A Few Event Highlights:

We heard from neighborhood residents who experienced the sound, all night house rumblings, and exhaust emissions of idling trains (sometimes for multiple days!) in the South Switchyard.

We heard from ODOT and the Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMPO) about the 2009 planning that was done by the Central Oregon Area Commission on Transportation (COACT) to move the entire railroad east of town.

We heard from Bend Parks and Recreation Department (BPRD), that the railroad corridor through Bend outlined their long range Comprehensive Plan for a potential ‘rail-with-trail’ but the overarching project needs to be led by another agency. Trail development and increased community connectivity being the positive driving forces.

We heard the desire for a passenger train in Bend and discussed the Bend-Redmond light rail idea shared through the Vision Community Survey in 2022. Also, the group questioned how this project might connect the nearest passenger rail in Chemult, about 60 miles south of Bend.

A big ‘THANK YOU’ to Bevel Brewing for hosting us and to the 40+ individuals who attended the event to share their feedback!

Next Steps as outlined in the Vision Action Plan:

  1. Conduct exploratory conversations with key potential partners, including BNSF, Oregon’s Federal and State legislative delegations, and state and local governmental agencies.
  2. Establish an independent task force of key potential partners to explore this concept and develop a formal project prospectus and timeline.
  3. Convene key partners to discuss and develop a framework and recommendations for proceeding.

Take a Deeper Dive:

Envision Bend is a nonpartisan, community nonprofit organization. Its mission is to bring diverse stakeholders together to educate, engage, and empower all members of the Bend community to have a voice in our community’s future.



About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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