Facebook Lead Generation Ads: Why Use Them?


If you’re considering running lead generation ads on Facebook, you’re not alone. After all, Facebook has one of the largest social media audiences of any platform and companies are hungry to tap into that potential. But, unless you understand how they can help your business, you might be skeptical about throwing some of your marketing budget Facebook’s way. Here are the top reasons why companies are using Facebook generation ads.

Precise Audience Targeting

This is perhaps the best reason to use Facebook lead generation ads. If you carefully choose your audience and optimize your Facebook ad configurations, you can get your advertisements in front of the people who are most likely to need, want, and purchase your product or service. Your ad is not going to display to irrelevant Facebook users, which means the leads you get from your campaign are going to be at the very least warm and often hot.

Seamless Conversion

By using lead generation ads on Facebook, your potential customers are treated to a seamless conversion process. Instead of redirecting users to a landing page on your website, lead generation ads use a form to capture the lead’s information right on the platform. This not only helps increase your conversion rate, but it also eliminates the need for you to build a landing page and a lead capturing process. You customers get the experience they want and you get the information you need.

Time and Money Savings

Companies are always looking for ways to save time and money, and using Facebook lead generation ads do both. Research has indicated that Facebook ads deliver a cheaper cost per quality lead than a traditional conversion advertising campaign. This means you can put those savings into other parts of your business, or increase your marketing spend elsewhere while getting amazing results from Facebook.

As far as saving time goes, Facebook lead generation ads are essentially point and click for companies. You can use the form content templates already created by Facebook or you can create your own from scratch. Certainly, creating one from scratch takes a little more time, but it’s as easy as choosing the information you want to capture. No coding is involved and if you select a template, you can have your ads up and running in no time.

Fully Customizable

As previously mentioned, you can use the pre-built templates for your ad submission form that displays to your leads or you can create your own. This customization allows you to capture the exact information you want to get from each lead without the customer ever leaving Facebook. If you want to use part of a Facebook ads template and customize other parts, you can do that as well. It’s a matter of selecting and deselecting the items you want to appear on the form. You can also track the results of your Facebook ads to make real-time adjustments based on actual data.


Social media lead generation is not only effective, but with Facebook lead generation ads, it’s also easy. You can incorporate this marketing strategy into your current campaigns with ease and you can do it today.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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