George Carrillo Announces Campaign for Governor of Oregon


“Everywhere I go, people are telling me they feel let down and forgotten by their government. It’s time to fix what’s broken in Oregon politics.”

George Carrillo announced his campaign for Governor of Oregon on today at 12pm via Facebook Live.

“My name is George Carrillo and today is a momentous day for me, my family and the marginalized communities I proudly represent. I want to acknowledge the people who came before and who continue to advocate for our communities. These advocates of change have made it possible for people of color to compete on the biggest stages of our political system,” said Carrillo.

“In the 1960’s, my parents immigrated from Ecuador to the south side of Chicago with nothing but the clothes on their back and hope in their hearts. Both of my parents were factory workers for over 30 years and sacrificed whatever they could to provide us with stable housing, education, access to healthcare and food. They raised me and my siblings, while also helping their community with the little they had. Their sacrifices, compassion and determination instilled in me values of integrity, hard work, respect and public service.”

George Carrillo’s Beliefs:

  • I believe in healthcare for all because you can’t place a value on an individual’s
  • I believe in criminal justice reform because you can’t justify the safety of some and not
  • I believe in equitable opportunities for our marginalized communities because one’s identity doesn’t define their

“With me as governor, everything will change on day one. All of the gaslighting that ‘change takes time’ will be proven to be an excuse. You can literally restructure the organization and move people in the right direction tomorrow if you wanted to. Oregonians you have the power to make a change right now. You have the solutions, you are not the problem. Believe that we can put special interest aside, believe we can have a better tomorrow, believe in each other. Don’t let the illusion of power continue to break down our communities.

“Choose to join me in a revolution that eliminates our divide, show that we can learn from each other and heal from the trauma we all endure. Believe that we can see the beauty in each other’s differences.

“Choose to unite as one Oregon. Choose to win together!”


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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