How Much Should You Ask For In A Personal Injury Settlement Claim?


Just a year ago, Columbia, SC, had its own rhythm when it came to car crashes and personal injury risks. On regular weekdays, Monday through Thursday, the injury rate was 48.82%. But when the weekend vibes kicked in from Friday through Sunday, the stats told a different story, showing a slightly higher injury rate of 51.18%. Looking at these stats, it’s clear that there is a high risk of accidents that can happen at any time and anywhere. When faced with such an incident, being aware of the ins and outs of personal injury claims becomes important.

In a personal injury claim, determining the appropriate settlement amount is crucial. This article offers insights to the citizens residing in Columbia, guiding them on factors affecting suitable compensation. If you’re dealing with a personal injury claim, remember to talk to a personal injury lawyer in Columbia. Their expertise can prove invaluable in navigating this challenging process.

Evaluating Financial Losses

When calculating the desired amount for a personal injury settlement claim, it is vital to take into account the financial losses incurred. These economic damages encompass expenses resulting from the injury, such as medical bills, lost wages/income, future medical treatment costs, property damage, and other out-of-pocket expenditures.

To accurately assess these damages, it is important to gather all documentation, including invoices and receipts. Consulting with professionals like doctors or rehabilitation specialists can assist in determining expenses that should be accounted for. Developing a list of damages plays a critical role in ensuring that no potential losses are overlooked when requesting compensation through a settlement.

Non-Financial Damages

Every Columbia personal injury lawyer states that aside from the impact, non-economic damages also play a role in determining the value of a personal injury claim. Non-economic damages encompass losses such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of companionship or consortium, and diminished quality of life.

Unlike damages that can be quantified with values (such as receipts), assessing non-economic damages involves a subjective process. It often requires evaluating the severity and impact of the injuries on aspects of the victim’s life. The intensity and duration of pain experienced by an individual as the emotional trauma endured after an accident are factors that influence non-economic damages.

Determining Responsibility

Another crucial aspect that affects the amount one should seek in an injury settlement claim is establishing fault and liability. In some cases, it may be evident who is responsible for causing the injuries. However, there are instances where proving negligence can be challenging.

Consulting with professionals or seeking expert opinions can aid in assessing liability. Demonstrating that the party at fault was negligent and accountable for causing the injuries can increase the likelihood of obtaining a settlement amount.

Comparing Cases

When considering how much to request in an injury settlement claim, conducting research and examining similar cases can provide valuable insights. By studying the outcomes of cases with similar injuries and circumstances, we can gain valuable insights into the potential compensation amounts.

Although each case is unique, examining settlements in the jurisdiction and considering factors such as verdict values or jury awards can provide a realistic range for negotiations and demands based on past rulings.


After carefully considering all the aspects discussed above, determining a settlement demand requires thoughtful deliberation. It’s crucial to keep in mind that negotiations play a role in reaching a certain amount.

Ideally, seeking advice from a personal injury lawyer strengthens your position during negotiations as they have knowledge of maximizing compensation based on specific case details. They will engage in discussions with insurance companies or opposing parties on behalf of their clients, ensuring a fair resolution is achieved.

Factors Influencing the Value of a Personal Injury Settlement

Level of Liability and Comparative Fault

When assessing an injury claim, liability is a factor in determining the settlement value. If it can be proven that the other party bears responsibility for the accident or negligence that caused the injuries, it may lead to a potential settlement amount. However, if both parties bear some responsibility, it can impact the settlement amount.

Impact of Injuries on Future Outlook

When determining the compensation to seek in a personal injury settlement claim, it is crucial to take into account how the injuries will likely affect prognosis and quality of life. Severe injuries that result in disabilities or long-term health limitations lead to compensation compared to minor injuries with a high chance of full recovery.


Deciding on the amount to request in an injury settlement claim depends on factors, including economic damages incurred (such as medical expenses and lost income), non-economic damages (including pain and suffering), establishing liability through expert opinions, and engaging personal injury attorneys for negotiation assistance. By considering these factors and seeking expertise when needed, individuals have chances of obtaining appropriate compensation for their losses.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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