How to Get Vitamin D in the Winter


The absence of vitamin D in your bloodstream makes it impossible to absorb valuable minerals like calcium. Most of all, vitamin D helps in boosting immunity and influences cell growth, monitors inflammations, and ensures the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Sunlight is a crucial component in the production of vitamin D by the skin. Basically, your skin can produce enough vitamin D for your body with regular exposure to direct sunlight. Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies do not produce enough vitamin D either due to:

  • The inability of the skin to function properly or 
  • Not getting enough exposure to direct sunlight, such as during winter.

So how do you get vitamin D in winter? Let us look at some of the best sources.

Best Vitamin D Supplements for the Winter

Vitamin D is a name given to the group of vitamins that are essential for the body’s mechanism and well-being. They include vitamins: D2 and D3. Vitamin D3 is the most active and readily available for absorption. 

It helps in raising the vitamin D concentration in the bloodstream. So, you may want to go for a vitamin D supplement essential with Vitamin D3 in its formula. 

The absence of direct sunlight during winter makes it impossible for the skin to produce vitamin D despite your body’s demands. Fortunately, supplements help address this shortfall by providing enough vitamin D all year round.

Organic supplements are best in providing all the beneficial complements of a healthy diet, unlike synthetic supplements. Always check the supplement to see if it has the USDA seal, indicating inorganic-free ingredients. 

If your baby struggles with body weight or has vitamin D deficiency, consider the best vitamin D supplements for kids. Keep in mind; liquid supplements are a better option if there are struggles when swallowing. 

Natural Ways to Influence Vitamin D Production by the Body

Getting vitamin D for the body is crucial for good health. The good thing is there are natural steps to take that help boost your vitamin D production. 

Vitamin D diets come from most animal products and vegetables. Such sources include:

  • Egg yolk
  • Cold liver
  • Tuna 
  • Salmon.

If you struggle with eating animal products, it could be challenging to get vitamin D. There are non-meat options you can use, such as mushrooms, soybeans, and spinach, to get you through the winter. 

Foods like orange juice, breakfast cereals, milk, and yogurt are also excellent sources. However, you should consult with your healthcare provider first to learn the appropriate vitamin D food sources.

What Will Happen if You Don’t Get Enough Vitamin D?

Vitamin D deficiency is a global pandemic, especially among children and older adults. Over 50% of the U.S population has Vitamin D deficiency. In children, it is characterized by soft bones that bend easily. If ignored, severe lack of vitamin D often leads to rickets. 

In older adults, symptoms and signs of a lack of enough vitamin D leads to osteomalacia. The condition presents with  muscle weakness and bone pain. If you or your loved one experiences these symptoms, don’t go straight to getting supplements. 

First, consult with your doctor to avoid overloading your body with nutrients. (Excessive vitamin D increases the risk of hypercalcemia.)

Vitamin D: Tips for Getting through the Winter

Getting vitamin D in winter is challenging, thanks to our daily diet. Foods like spinach, mushrooms, egg yolk and most white meat from fatty fish like salmon and tuna are excellent sources of vitamin D. 

Are you wondering how to get vitamin D in the winter? Get the most valuable solutions from Better Family.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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