Using video testimonials is a great way of showing potential customers how good your company and its products or services are. However, to create powerful customer testimonial videos, it is essential you use the right questions.
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Keep Questions Short and Simple
Each question you ask should be short and simple. There are two reasons for that. Firstly, you do not want your participants to become overwhelmed by trying to come up with answers to complex questions. Furthermore, asking complicated questions can lead to receiving bad answers. Secondly, your audience will be much more engaged when they do not have to focus on too much content.
Don’t Ask Too Many Questions
In addition to keeping questions short and simple, you also need to ensure you keep the number of questions you ask to a minimum. That is because asking the right questions for your video testimonial is much more important than the number of questions you ask. Think quality, not quantity. It is best to ask no more than five questions. Often, two or three will suffice. But you can consider using multi-part questions so that customers giving the testimonials can answer more fluidly and naturally.
Types of Questions to Ask
Obviously, you want to get positive feedback for your products or services. So, asking the right questions will ensure you get the kinds of responses that will be the most valuable. It is best to ask open questions rather than closed questions. The former invites people to give more detailed responses whereas the latter invites them to answer with yes or no responses. Here are some of the types of questions you could ask.
What problem were you looking to solve?
When a customer talks about your product or service as a way of solving a problem, it will lay the foundations for a convincing testimonial. Perhaps the customer tried various products that failed to live up to their expectations and then tried your product instead and found it ticked all the boxes. By identifying problems that your product or service solves, you will pave the way for viewers to convert into customers.
How did you discover our company?
By asking the customer how they came across your product or services, you can subtly let your viewers know what paths they can take to find your company. When you demonstrate a defined route, it makes it much easier for people to make buying decisions.
How was your experience of interacting with the company?
Providing excellent customer service can set your business apart from your competitors. By asking your customer to describe how positive his or her customer experience was, you can demonstrate to your viewers that your company is reliable, trustworthy, and puts customers first.
How would you convince a friend to try our products or services?
By asking this question, you allow your customer to explain what is so good about your product or service while keeping the conversation natural and personal, thereby adding empathy to what the customer says in his or her testimonial. You are essentially asking the customer, “Would you recommend our product or service to a friend?” But you are asking an open question rather than a closed question, enabling the customer to elaborate in a more personalized way.
Could our company have done something differently?
You may think that it is not a good idea to invite your customer to come up with any negatives about your company, but an open-ended question to receive feedback is always a good idea. Why? It allows you to show that your business is always striving to improve its services to maintain customer satisfaction.