(Graphic | Courtesy of City Club of Central Oregon)
June Forum Recap — Envisioning Bend’s Future
This forum kicked off the Bend Vision Project’s public outreach. This year-long community visioning initiative is reaching broadly and inclusively across our community, leveraging our core values to create a vision and plan that will help greater Bend be the best community it can be for all its residents. Guests at the forum had the opportunity to discuss five areas for ideas about Bend’s future. Click here to view the forum, for a forum recap and transcript.
To participate in the Envision Bend Community Survey, click here.
Supported by the City of Bend, Central Oregon Association of REALTORS and the Desert Pine Group at Morgan Stanley.
July Forum: Getting from Here to There: Transportation Visions and Realities for Central Oregon
June 14th, 2022
In Person: 11:30am-1pm
Livestream: 12-1pm
The July Transportation Forum will provide insights on current transportation and transit projects in Central Oregon, including an update on the status of Bend’s Transportation System Plan (TSP — 20-year assessment and plan for transportation needs) as well as a review of available Federal and State funding for transportation and transit improvements. Innovative regional priority changes incorporate responses to climate change, accommodating more electric vehicles, and increasing transit and bike/pedestrian mobility. Yet a significant question remains: Without dedicated funding streams for transportation, can Central Oregon fulfill these priorities and optimize transit for all, particularly in the face of our relentless growth?