La Pine Wellness Center to Increase Primary Care Capacity by 45 Percent


(The three-story, 27,000-square-foot Wellness Center will more than double LCHC’s current space | Photo by Andrea Hine)

Soon after La Pine Community Health Center (LCHC) broke ground last year on a major campus expansion — a three-story, 27,000-square-foot Wellness Center that will more than double its current space — construction crews began their labors. The emerging facility — which will accommodate behavioral health, dental, and imaging services that previously were available only — or in a limited capacity — some 30 miles away in Bend — already dominates La Pine’s skyline, with completion slated for spring 2025.

Administrative & Support Staff First to Move into New Space

Breaking down the plans, Courtney Ignazzitto, marketing & communications manager, begins from the top down. “LCHC’s administrative and support staff will move to the third floor of the Wellness Center in January, thereby freeing up space in our existing facility for four additional primary care providers on the clinical team — bringing the total to 14 providers and increasing our primary care capacity by 45%. This will accommodate the area’s growing population and reduce wait times for an appointment.”

(Administration’s current space, she noted, was previously equipped with needed plumbing and electric in anticipation of the need to enlarge LCHC’s campus. Remodeling includes the addition of 63 parking stalls.)

Growing Behavioral Health Capabilities

“We’ll be growing our own mental/behavioral health capabilities on the second floor,” Ignazzitto said, “with more than 5,000 square feet of space devoted to services such as occupational therapy, school-based counseling, and psychiatry — just for starters. LCHC will also rent out space to other counselors and services where we see gaps.”

As examples of existing needs that will be satisfied, she pointed out that children must currently wait months to see an occupational therapist in Bend, an option that is not available locally. In addition, the on-staff psychologist being added to LCHC’s medical team, working with patients of all ages, will be the only one in La Pine.

Occupational Therapy is something that isn’t currently offered in La Pine and patients with referrals are waiting months to get in to see OT in Bend.

“Mental health providers have actually been reaching out to us, saying that ‘we want to be part of this,’” said Ignazzitto, “which is unheard of.”

Preventative Dental and Diagnostic Imaging Services

The first floor of the Wellness Center will be devoted to dental and imaging services, with space for community meetings and educational gatherings enhanced by remote conferencing technology.

Imaging capabilities include mammograms, ultrasound procedures, and CT (or CAT) scans. “We know the need is there,” said Ignazzitto, “and decided to fill it by becoming the first diagnostic imaging clinic in south Deschutes County.”

As an example, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which takes place every October, LCHC for the past several years has hired a van and taken women into Bend for mammograms — which are able to identify breast cancer up to three years before it can be felt. “Providing this opportunity for early detection at the local level will make a huge difference,” she said. “As women have told us, ‘Next October, I won’t have to go into Bend.”

Ignazzitto added that “both the La Pine Fire District and the St. Charles Family Care Clinic are very excited about having CT scanning, which can image bone, soft tissue, and blood vessels all at the same time. They feel that having a local facility could help prevent some ambulance rides into Bend.”

In the dental portion of the first floor, Ignazzitto noted that “LCHC will begin by providing routine preventative services such as check-ups, cleanings, and sealants, restorative services such as fillings, and dental surgical services such as extractions, with the goal of adding crowns, root canals and denture services as the oral health program grows. Once fully staffed, we’ll anticipate seeing approximately 35 patients per day.”

She pointed out the proven connection between oral health and general health. “Poor oral health — affected most often by tooth decay, gum disease, and oral cancers, which are largely preventable — can lead to a number of health issues including cardiovascular disease, stroke and respiratory conditions, pregnancy and birth complications, dementia, and obesity.”

As Ignazzitto emphasized, “We want to get kids started early on the path to great dental health, as this can affect the entire body, creating a link to the primary care LCHC offers. Our primary care providers are often the first to identify behavioral issues as well.”

Access to Health Care for All

While “La Pine Community Health Center plans to expand our breadth by adding other specialties in the future, the Wellness Center will be a huge leap forward in the availability of health care services for La Pine and southern Deschutes County,” Ignazzitto said.

This thought was echoed by CEO Erin Trapp. “Largely serving a rural, high-risk population, LCHC is committed to ensure continued access to health care for all, regardless of income. This commitment is the driving force behind our ambitious Wellness Center project.”


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