Locavore Spring Membership Drive & Fridge Fundraiser


This Spring, support Locavore’s programs and sustainability efforts by becoming a member or donating. Locavore is seeking to raise $12,000 to purchase and install a new misting produce fridge. The current fridge, donated many years ago, requires plastic bags to keep produce fresh. A new misting fridge will drastically reduce the need for plastic bags in the marketplace.

Locavore is now offering monthly memberships, in addition to annual memberships. Locavore members receive discounts in the marketplace, discounted event tickets, and special access to members only sales. Memberships start at just $2.50/month or $25/year.

Memberships and donations support our many educational programs designed to Educate, Cultivate, and Celebrate local food. These programs and events include Farm Kids, Willing Workers on Local Farms, Food School, the Marketplace, and Meet Your Farmer Dinners.

Central Oregon Locavore, a nonprofit organization, has been promoting a local, sustainable food system in Central Oregon since 2010. Locavore is dedicated to improving access to fresh, inseason, nutrient-dense, local food and educating the community about the benefits of sustainably produced food from local farmers and ranchers. Proceeds from this event help promote a more ecologically and socially just food system, public health, and diversification of the local economy. Learn more about Locavore at centraloregonlocavore.org.

Memberships and donations can be made through centraloregonlocavore.org or in the Locavore marketplace at 1841 NE 3rd Street (south of Habitat Restore and across from the Wagner Mall).


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