MBSEF Accepting Artwork for SELCO Kid’s Mini Pole Pedal Paddle Logo Contest



The 2018 SELCO Kid’s Mini Pole Pedal Paddle T-shirt Contest is here!  This year’s race is May 20th!  This is such a great project to encourage kid’s Kindergarten – 5th grade to express their creativity.  The winner of the contest’s art will be the official design of the t-shirt for the Kid’s Mini PPP.

Entries must be submitted on white paper with colored designs.   The design may represent the activities of the race which are Team Work, Obstacle Course and Running.  Kids from Kindergarten through 5th grade can submit artwork.  The only requirements of the design are to include the following information:

  1. SELCO Kid’s Mini Pole Pedal Paddle
  2. Bend, Oregon
  3. 2018
  4. The letters MBSEF somewhere on the artwork.

Please include on the back of the design: name, age, grade level, teacher, school, home phone number and email.

Entries MUST be received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, February 23, 2018, delivered or mailed to:

Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation
563 SW 13th Street, Suite 201(corner of Century Dr. and Donovan)
Bend, OR  97702

Exciting awards for the top five finishers will be awarded!  We are looking forward to seeing the great designs. Please contact me at 388-0002 or molly@mbsef.org if you have any questions.

The SELCO Kid’s Mini PPP is a benefit for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation whose mission is to be the leading youth sports training organization promoting the positive values of competitive sports including Alpine and Nordic Skiing, Snowboarding and Cycling.


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