Online Content: 5 Key Reasons Why Content Marketing Is Important


92% of content marketers claim that their organization considers online content an asset to their business.

That’s a huge number — and yet, only 46% have a documented strategy for managing said content.

But why not?

Consumers not only prefer content, but they expect it. They want to be able to consult your blog for insight, information, and advice. And when you don’t have that (but your competitor does), you’re clearly on the losing end.

Content marketing is undoubtedly essential. We’re here to tell you why your business needs to use it.

  1. It Generates the Most Business Leads

Content marketing costs between 31-41% less than paid search techniques.

Additionally, the long-term yield of content marketing is astounding. In the first five months, the costs per lead drop by 80%!

And with this comes the final jaw-dropping statistic: content marketing produces three times more leads than other tactics. So, not only is it more affordable, but it’s also more effective.

For more info on how to make this happen for your company, you can learn more here.

  1. Consumers Consult Online Content for Advice Before Making Purchases

Before someone makes a purchasing decision, they typically do some research online to confirm their choices and options.

Almost 50% of consumers read blogs about the product they’re seeking first. Once they’ve done that, another 30% will use a blog post to confirm they made the right decision.

Can you afford to miss out on those numbers?

  1. It’s the Single-Most Effective SEO Technique

When it comes to SEO, there is a vast array of options available — so how are you to know which to choose?

If nothing else, go with content marketing. Studies prove that it’s the most effective SEO tactic out there. (And you’ve already learned how affordable and efficient it is.)

On-page online content accounts for 57% of your marketing plan’s success.

  1. Content Educates Your Audience and Showcases Your Authority and Expertise

About 47% of internet users ages 18-19 read a blog in the last four weeks.

These readers are looking for information that your blog can offer. They’re not looking for overly sales-y content, either. They’re looking for well-curated posts with stats they can fact-check.

Now is your time to prove your expertise in your industry.

Your authenticity makes you more appealing to consumers, too. 62% of consumers express “increased purchase interest” in trustworthy brands.

  1. It Promises Conversions That Those Without It Can’t Get

In this digital era, it’s all about competition. So if you’re doing something your competitors aren’t, you’ve already got an edge.

If someone in your industry hasn’t understood the clear benefits of online content yet, get ahead of them now. You’re essentially guaranteed conversion rates six times higher than those who aren’t using it!

Not only will you be seen as an authority, but your competitors will be seen as lacking that legitimacy.

Content Marketing: You Need It

As you can see, there’s nothing to lose and much to gain from posting online content.

And don’t stop at one or two blog posts here and there. You need a consistent content marketing plan that utilizes on-page content regularly.

Don’t just take our word for it — the benefits will become clear in due time.

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About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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