Oregon Entrepreneurs Network has provided some quick updates on OEN’s resources for entrepreneurs to help navigate the current choppy waters.
First, all OEN PubTalks and other in-person events have been canceled until May. Office Hours for March and April will be set up as one-on-one phone calls. The OEN Startup Resource EXPO has been re-scheduled to happen on August 6 at TechFestNW, and Oregon Angel Food is scheduled for Friday, September 11.
The good news is that OEN offers its members an incredible network of investors, lawyers, accountants, commercial real-estate brokers and consultants of all kinds, specializing in supporting startups and entrepreneurs. If your business needs help, email info@oen.org and OEN will do its best to connect you with someone in its network.
For those offering specialized support to startups and founders, please provide a short description of what you’re offering and how to access it here, and OEN will share.
Relevant resources are on OEN’s Twitter feed: twitter.com/oenorg, as well as amplifying news and updates from other entrepreneur-service organizations.
For now, here are a few starting places for entrepreneurs:
Built Oregon Small Business Impact Survey docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmfjKctrvDHiQcDlOvgdtmGnbnjXImjR39Yr1LVagVx7ZAtg/viewform
Business Oregon COVID-19 Financial Resources for Businesses
Greater Portland Inc COVID-19 Business Resources greaterportlandinc.com/covid-business-resources
Stoel Rives Coronavirus Resource Center
Perkins Coie Coronavirus Guidance for Businesses perkinscoie.com/en/trending-now/topics/coronavirus-guidance-for-businesses.html
Tonkon Torp Guidance on Business Interruption Insurance
Wishing everyone health and resilience through these unpredictable times!