Redmond Proficiency Academy Graduation Rate Rises to All-Time High


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The Redmond Proficiency Academy (RPA) announces that its high school graduation rate for the Class of 2018 cohort was 91.33 percent, an 8.24 percent increase over the previous year and 12.57 percent higher than the Oregon state average of 78.76 percent. RPA’s graduation rate also exceeds the most recent national average of 84.1 percent.

“This graduation rate represents a tremendous accomplishment for our students and is the result of diligent work by our staff to ensure every student is provided with the education they need to successfully move forward,” said RPA Executive Director Jon Bullock. “I am proud of the work our students put forth to become high school graduates, and I am proud of the work our staff put forth to ensure student success.”

RPA’s graduation rate of 91.33 percent is based on the 2017-18 four-year cohort, which is comprised of students who began high school in the 2014-15 school year and who graduated during the 2017-18 school year. Within the class of 2018, results among historically disadvantaged groups were notable. RPA achieved a 100 percent graduation rate among Hispanic/Latino students and a 88.24 percent graduation rate among Students with Disabilities.

Several factors played a role in the success of RPA students, including:

  • The implementation of an intensive senior support program of graduation coaches
  • The development of academic support programs for seniors to move them towards graduation
  • A focus on college pathways and career readiness programs to increase student engagement
  • A data-focused system to identify students who need intervention and who may be at risk of falling behind

Measure 98 funds supported additional graduation coaches and built a career and technical education program to increase student engagement in their education and to reach graduation. Along with graduation coaches, each grade level implemented a comprehensive achievement team made up of advisors, administrators, and counselors that met biweekly to discuss the needs of students and work keep them on track towards graduation.

“A graduation rate of over 90 percent is an incredible accomplishment,” said humanities instructor Ryan McLaughlin. “This graduation rate is the result of a lot of focused work done by the whole team of graduation coaches, counselors, administrators and teachers. It’s the kind of effort that changes the lives of an entire community of students.”


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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