Solar Rebate Survey — We Need Your Input


Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program 5 Minute Survey

Please complete by August 30

Oregon Department of Energy (ODOE) plans to begin rulemaking for the Oregon Solar + Storage Rebate Program later this month. OSSIA’s Policy Committee has been considering changes to the program rates, caps and other provisions and we need your feedback!

If your company participates in the rebate program or if your company is planning to join the program, please complete this five minute survey by August 30th. Thank you!

Complete Rebate Rules Survey

Registration is now open for the Oregon Solar conference date:

November 7-9, 2023
Crowne Plaza, Convention Center Portland, Oregon

Registration NOW OPEN!

OSSIA Members Receive a discount! Join today to get 30% off.

Why should you attend this year?… First off, it will be an illuminating conference.

More reasons

  • Career fair (Tuesday, November 7th)
  • Loads of fun networking opportunities
  • Business Development
  • Energy Storage
  • Panel discussions with top people in the field
  • Continuing Education
  • Energy Trust of Oregon programs.
  • What’s new for Oregon Solar, grants, programs, codes
  • Utility Scale PV and Energy Storage – Wednesday, November 8th
  • Policy and Regulatory –  Wednesday, November 8th and Thursday, November 9th
  • and so much more…

Call for Session Proposals is OPEN

OSSIA is looking for dynamic and engaging sessions for this year’s 2023 Oregon Solar + Storage Conference that focus on storage and resiliency, along with the usual solar topics that are technical, policy, and community-focused. Making solar accessible to everyone is the goal

We are looking forward to hearing your proposals and hosting you at this year’s event!

Submit Session Proposal Here!

Sponsorship Information

Solarize the Land Trust
Request for Proposals (RFP)

The Solarize the Land Trust Project Team (including staff from Proud Ground in collaboration with Spark Northwest and Solar for All, and the Installer Selection Committee (comprised of homeowner-members of Proud Ground) are seeking proposals from qualified firms willing to install rooftop PV solar on Proud Ground homes through an ongoing program entitled Solarize the Land Trust. Installations and equipment will be fully funded through a grant that has been awarded to Proud Ground through the Portland Clean Energy Fund.

The goal of this project is to install solar on 15 BIPOC-owned Proud Ground homes, reaching approximately 45 residents with a direct installation of solar and the knowledge to maintain their systems. Our educational workshops and solar ready roof process will help 10 additional families access alternative options including community solar enrollment and/or savings programs for eventual re-roofing with the goal of eventually going solar. Proposals due 9/8/2023

Read More here

We’re committed to supporting the growth of the energy industry. That’s why we’re partnering with #REPlus23 in Las Vegas this September 11-14!

All OSSIA members receive 15% off of non-member Full Conference rates – join today to receive the discount code.

The OSSIA team will be there – join us! Join us and register here:

BCD Clarifies that Extra Rails are Not Required in Code

It has come to OSSIA’s attention that some jurisdictions have been asking installers to install an additional rail on some projects which are within 3” of the edge of the roof. OSSIA worked with BCD to provide clarification to ALJ’s that an additional rail is not required by code and in many cases would violate the manufacturer warranty.

If you’ve run into this issue, OSSIA can help! Please contact Angela for assistance.

Defend the IRA – Sign the letter!

As I’m sure you have seen in the news over the past several weeks, Congress and the White House have been working towards a deal to raise the debt limit and reduce government spending. You probably also know that during the initial phases of the negotiations, large portions of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) were on the table for repeal. Fortunately, through focused advocacy and negotiations, the final version of the debt limit agreement that passed the House and Senate last week did not include a repeal of the clean energy provisions in the IRA.

We worked hard to avoid a worst-case scenario, but the discussion of IRA repeal in the early negotiations sets a concerning precedent for the remainder of this Congress and beyond. We are keenly aware that there is a small faction of Congress that would still like to repeal the IRA outright, and many others who will see the money allocated in the IRA as a piggy bank to fund other policy priorities. That is why SEIA will continue to engage in vigorous and outspoken defense of the IRA – and we need your help.

The first thing you can do is join our sign-on letter in defense of the IRA.

Sign the letter here, and please forward to your networks. 

This letter is intended to be applicable to a broad group of companies and organizations who benefit from the IRA, so after you have signed, please forward the letter to your networks, including suppliers, offtakers, landowners, partner companies, community stakeholders, and any others in your network who benefit from and have an interest in preserving the IRA. We hope to bring together a large coalition of stakeholders in defense of this landmark policy.

We have a strong case to make, as the IRA is already yielding results and benefiting communities and individuals across the country. As we move forward, SEIA aims to highlight these benefits and educate members of Congress with stories and anecdotes that highlight the benefits that the IRA is already producing, and we will continue to produce in the future.

If you are interested in learning more about the work SEIA will be doing in defense of the IRA and how you can get involved, we will be hosting a webinar on June 14, 2:00-3:00pm Eastern.

Sign Up for the Webinar: Defending the IRA


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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