(Photo | By Senjuti Kundu from Unsplash)
Do you or does someone you know want to run a successful child care business in Central Oregon? Get help learning how to start and grow a local child care company of quality. Join NeighborImpact Child Care Resources and COCC’s Small Business Development Center for an in-depth educational opportunity starting on January 18, 2022. For more information and/or to register, contact Denise Hudson at 541-323-6518 or deniseh@neighborimpact.org.
The class is also being offered in Spanish: Información en español disponible.
Central Oregon Child Care Business Start Accelerator
January 18-March 29, 2022
Accelerated Leadership in EArly Childhood Education
Do you want to learn a holistic approach to starting and sustaining a successful, stable child care business? Are you currently operating a Certified Family (CF) or Registered Family (RF) child care business in Central Oregon that has been open for two years or less, or are you interested in starting a CF or RF family child care business?
NeighborImpact Child Care Resources and COCC Small Business Development Center will provide insights into establishing a strong foundation and the framework for continuous quality improvement to establish and maintain your high-quality child care business. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!
Benefits include:
- 18 hours of online classroom time with COCC-SBDC, NeighborImpact CCR and special guests. Topics include: how to get started, managing your business, employees and finances and exploring supporting agencies in Central Oregon.
- Ten hours of 1:1 advising sessions with an experienced small-business professional.
- One year of Wonderschool business management software.
- A $5,000 start-up grant upon successful completion of the program and becoming a CF or RF.
To register, contact Denise Hudson, deniseh@neighborimpact.org or 541-323-6518.