Students from Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild Selected to Attend National Leadership Conference


((Left) Ryan Lewis of Redmond, (Right) Will Clements of Warm Springs | Photos courtesy of Heart of Oregon Corps)

William Clements and Ryan Lewis, students at Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild, were selected to join more than 50 other young leaders in Washington, D.C. at the 35th Annual YouthBuild USA AmeriCorps Conference of Young Leaders (CoYL) during the week of October 23.

Through CoYL, YouthBuild AmeriCorps students are brought together to fully experience the breadth and impact of YouthBuild’s global movement rooted in leadership, service, education, and job skills training. Participants further develop their leadership skills and network with current and former students from YouthBuild programs across the country. Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild is one of 223 local programs across the U.S. that partner with opportunity youth — young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 who are neither in school nor employed — to build the skillsets and mindsets that lead to lifelong learning, livelihood and leadership.

Throughout the three-day conference, participants explored this year’s theme, Connecting Communities, as they broadened their skills and deepened their knowledge to create positive change in their communities. The young people shared their experiences with each other and participated in collaborative, interactive workshops on design thinking and asset-based storytelling. By building connections with each other and YouthBuild alumni, participants realized the critical role they play in the extensive, global YouthBuild network and brainstormed concrete actions they can take to change their communities for the better. Participants like Clements and Lewis are chosen to attend by their fellow students and local YouthBuild program staff.

“YouthBuild students are the leaders of today and tomorrow,” said John Valverde, president and CEO of YouthBuild USA. “When they are shown the breadth and depth of the entire YouthBuild movement during our Conference of Young Leaders, it can be life changing. Our communities need these young leaders who are full of promise, and — when given the opportunity coupled with support from caring adults — they will go on to do great things.”

“Our Conference of Young Leaders shows young people that they are part of something larger than themselves. It gives them the confidence that they have the skillsets, mindsets and partners to return home and make a significant impact on their communities,” said Valverde, who addressed the students at the conference.

“The Heart of Oregon Corps YouthBuild program connects local Opportunity Youth ages 16-24 to education and employment as they learn construction or child and youth development skills and serve their communities,” said Kristen Martin, YouthBuild program director at Heart of Oregon Corps.

“I’m pretty sure I will remember this experience for the rest of my life,” said Lewis when asked to reflect on his time at CoYL.

In YouthBuild programs, opportunity youth pursue their education, prepare for future careers and grow into community leaders, building brighter futures for themselves and their neighborhoods. Responding to the urgent need for knowledge, training, and opportunity, YouthBuild primarily serves young people who lack a high school diploma and financial resources.

About Heart of Oregon Corps:
Heart of Oregon Corps is a nonprofit organization that empowers youth and young adults through employment, job training, education, and service to Central Oregon communities. Youth and young adults transform their own lives while improving their communities. All HOC programs apply a “work-earn-learn” model that invests in local young people, many of whom come from underserved backgrounds, to prepare them for the workforce and to develop their leadership. HOC is accredited by the Corps Center for Excellence. Heart of Oregon Corps trains tomorrow’s workforce today—and they are accepting youth applications now!


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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