The cost of replacing a commercial roof


If you own a business building, you understand how critical it is to protect your roof. The roof is an essential and costly component of a building. Your business roof, like your home roof, requires maintenance and, eventually, replacement to ensure the value of your property is preserved.

If a problem emerges, the building owner should first determine repairable rather than replacement. Roof replacement is an unavoidable expense. But how much does it cost? Your roof, like your company, is one-of-a-kind, and the cost to replace it is influenced by several criteria. Understanding the key cost elements involved in a commercial roof replacement may aid in making that decision and determining what sort of replacement to select and how much to spend.

In this post, we’ll go over the five most essential elements that will influence the cost of your commercial roof replacement! The roof is an essential and costly component of a building.

1) Roof Design

a) Flat Roof or Sloped Roof

In most circumstances, the optimum flat roof roofing material is either a single-ply roof or built-up bituminous roofing. Years ago, there was fear that a single layer of defence might be vulnerable to leaks. These roof systems have shown to be quite durable over time, and they frequently come with a 25–30-year warranty. They are frequently less costly and take less time to install than other flat roof materials.

b) Average Cost of Flat Roof

The typical cost of replacing a single-ply flat roof is between $3 and $5 per square foot. At the same time, a bituminous roof is made of more than one layer. They provide the same level of protection as many layers of roofing ply but are more expensive and time-consuming to install.

c) Average Cost of Asphalt Single Roof

The price per square foot ranges between $3.50 and $7. Tiles are another famous sloping roof covering, and they are made of clay, concrete, and several other materials. They are often long-lasting materials, with some lasting up to 50 years, but they are also the costliest.

2) Access to roof

Roof access may affect the cost of replacing your roof just as much as the type and material. Factors affecting accessibility include:

  • Material storage areas
  • Height
  • Access to the Property

Due to the requirement for cranes to carry materials, a 20-story structure will be far more expensive to re-roof than a 2-story one. Similarly, You may require significant amounts of material to store for a significant roofing project. Large open “laid down” spaces around the building can help with logistics, decreasing costs.

An occupied structure will provide extra complications to the roofing project. Additional expenditures will almost certainly be spent if the roof repair operations must take place outside of regular business hours. Finally, bringing equipment onto the land and near the building will influence the cost.

3) What is the material used beneath the roof

Every completed roof is made up of a combination of one or more of the following components:

  • A roof structure might be composed of concrete, metal, or wood.
  • Insulation
  • Covering board

The type of material used influences the cost of the roofing. In certain circumstances, a skilled roofing consultant or contractor may identify parts of the roof that require repair just by “feeling” it.

Infrared technology or other moisture detection equipment, on the other hand, will locate trapped moisture more precisely. However, in most circumstances, you won’t know for sure the economic impact of damaged substrate materials until the old materials are removed.

4) Wind Loads and Fasteners

Weather and local requirements will influence the type of fasteners required for your roof system, depending on where your structure is located. More robust fasteners installed at regular intervals will be required on roofing exposed to higher wind speeds.

5) Prerequisites of Code 

Aside from fasteners and wind loads, your structure may be subject to a variety of additional local, regional, and state code regulations. These can influence everything from insulation to substrate to ventilation and slope.

These five elements are not the only ones that will influence the cost of your business roof replacement, but they help establish a preliminary pricing estimate. When your roof develops a problem, consider contacting a qualified roofing expert to assist you in determining the best cost-effective option, whether a repair or a replacement.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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