We’re Prepared for 2025 — But We Need Your Help


(Graphic courtesy of Reporters Committee)

As I talk with news organizations and media lawyers, I’m keenly aware that the Reporters Committee’s legal services for journalists and advocacy for the First Amendment are more urgently needed than ever.

We’ve seen lawsuits against newsrooms, government agencies slamming the door on journalistic investigations, and reporters receiving threats for their coverage.

We’ve been quoted in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN, among other news outlets, highlighting the challenges that journalists face and defending the public’s right to know.

We’re gearing up for the challenges ahead, but we need you to stand with us. Now is the time to make a gift to fund legal protections for journalists in the year to come.

The Reporters Committee is uniquely positioned to respond to the urgency of the moment. Alongside our national work, our Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs are working with journalists in small cities, counties, and rural areas, helping to overcome barriers to accessing government documents and ensuring that they can keep their communities informed.

These programs have a proven record of success. We are proud of our 2024 Year In Review, which shares the expertise of our team, the reach of our cases, and the tangible impact of our work to protect journalists and their legal rights.

In 2025, our lawyers will be kept busy handling the increased demand for legal services. We anticipate staffing up to meet the need — but we need your support.

If you’ve never donated before, now is the time to start. Your dollars will go directly to defend journalists and newsrooms, advocate for First Amendment principles with the new administration, and put lawyers on the ground to support local journalists.

Donate generously before year-end, so we can start 2025 with the resources we need to defend journalists and the free press.

With best wishes for the holidays,
Bruce D. Brown
Executive Director



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