Central Oregon is Hiring!


(Photo courtesy of EDCO)

Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO) announced today the release of two video campaigns to help local employers attract qualified talent to Central Oregon. These videos, Central Oregon is Hiring and the tech-focused Reboot in Bend, are available to all regional employers in their recruitment efforts as they look to attract the best talent.

The goal of this effort is to encourage skilled jobseekers and businesses to consider Central Oregon as more than just a great vacation destination. With a tight labor market, and many local employers hiring for multiple positions, East Cascades Works and EDCO decided to address the needs of the community in a new way.

Heather Ficht, Executive Director of East Cascades Works, noted “Central Oregon is growing and experiencing record low unemployment, creating a labor shortage. We continue to invest in cultivating local talent, but we also need to be responsive to our local business’s immediate needs. We listened to our business partners and followed their lead to create another tool to make that recruitment process a bit easier.”

This effort was truly a community-backed initiative with multiple partners. East Cascades Works, EDCO, Wahoo Films, Visit Bend, Central Oregon Visitors Association, Technology Association of Oregon, and the City of Bend were all direct supporters of this effort.
Kip Barrett, EDCO’s Bend Area Director, said “Beyond those who directly contributed to the effort, there were multiple behind-the-scenes partners and community members who kept moving this initiative forward. We would like to thank all of those volunteers and partners for their support.”

To use this video in your recruitment efforts, click here for simple instructions.

Central Oregon is Hiring: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zyh17kwiKMs&list=PL3EPBouwNKSZly7lfdav6gZU8k3bUSjX1

Reboot in Bend: https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL3EPBouwNKSaQpS4bsioIVwej55uDnhOb&time_continue=3&v=mbKByBpXqaw

About East Cascades Works
East Cascades Works is a private non-profit organization that supports the talent needs of business, and maximizes and aligns investments in the career goals of individuals to fuel a thriving economy. For more information, visit: www.eastcascadesworks.org
About Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO)
EDCO is a non-profit corporation supported by private and public members and stakeholders, whose mission is to create middle-class jobs in Central Oregon by: recruiting new employers to move to the region; helping entrepreneurs start new, scalable businesses; and working with businesses that are already here to grow their operations. For more information, visit www.edcoinfo.com.


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