City of Bend Hosts Parking Study Public Workshops


The City of Bend is beginning its two-year Downtown Parking, Circulation and Access Study to develop a parking plan for the downtown area. To kick off this effort, the City of Bend, working with Portland-based Rick Williams Consulting, is offering three Parking 101 sessions on February 16 and 17. The public is invited to attend these free workshops. No registration is required.

Have you ever considered how other cities successfully manage parking in their downtown areas?

• How close should patrons be able to park to a business?
• Where should employees park?
• Should visitors have to pay for parking downtown?
• Is there adequate parking downtown for vehicles other than cars, such as bikes or extra-long vehicles?
• What else goes into a successful parking plan in downtown?

Bend residents are invited to attend to learn more about how better parking management practices can enhance downtown areas and to share thoughts and ideas.

Workshop times and locations:
• Tuesday, February 16, 8:30-10am at Bend City Hall, Council Chambers, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend.
• Tuesday, February 16, 5:30-7pm at Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 NW Wall Street, Bend.
• Wednesday, February 17, 11:30am-1pm at Bend City Hall, Council Chambers, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend.

For more information visit or contact Carolyn Eagan at 541-693-2130 or


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