City of Bend June 3, 2020 City Council Meeting Notes


1. To support Governor Brown’s order for social distancing, the City of Bend Council conducted the June 3 Council Meeting virtually through Cisco Webex.

Listen-only Phone Number:

  • 1-855-282-6330
  • Access code: 962 865 002##

Members of the public who wish to offer public comment may do so telephonically by calling 1-855-282-6330 and entering access code: 969 175 653## when prompted for a meeting ID number. The public comment phone line will be accessible starting at 5:30pm.

City Council Work Session, 5pm

1. Convene Work Session

2. Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2) (e) to conduct deliberations with persons designated to negotiate real property transactions and (h) to consult with attorney regarding legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to current litigation or litigation likely to be filed (30 min.)

3. Return to Open Session

City and Bend Urban Renewal Agency Budget Committee Meeting, 5:30pm

1. Call to Order by Chair Peter Skrbek


Bruce Abernethy, Jeff Breit, Barb Campbell, Bruce Churchill, Gena Goodman-Campbell, Justin Livingston, Kat Mastrangelo, Bill Moseley, Chris Piper, Monica Rimai, Sally Russell, Tom Schumacher, Heather Simmons, Peter Skrbek

2. 2019-2021 Biennial Budget Update & City-Wide Budget Reductions

   A. Council Goals
   B. Outline of Fee Changes

3. Public Hearing on Possible Uses of State Shared Revenue Funds

Recommended motion: I move to approve possible uses of state shared revenues for Fiscal Year 2020-21.

Motion by Ms. Simmons, Second by Councilor Abernethy, those in favor- unanimous

4. Approval of City Property Tax Levies

City of Bend Property Taxes

Recommended motion: I move to approve City of Bend property taxes to be imposed at a rate of $2.8035 per $1,000 of Taxable Assessed Value.

Motion by Councilor Campbell, Second by Councilor Piper, those in favor- unanimous

General Obligation Bond

Recommended motion: I move to approve the City of Bend general obligation bond property tax levy in the amount of $1,978,500 for bonded indebtedness related to transportation bonds approved by voters on May 17, 2011.

Motion by Councilor Campbell, Second by Councilor Piper, those in favor- unanimous

Fire Local Option Levy

Recommended motion: I move to approve the City of Bend local option operating tax levy for Fire and Emergency Services at the rate of $0.20 per $1,000 of Taxable Assessed Value as approved by voters on May 15, 2018.

Motion by Councilor Campbell, Second by Ms. Simmons, those in favor- unanimous

5. Approval of BURA Property Tax Levies

Juniper Ridge and Murphy Crossing Property Taxes

Recommended motion: I move to approve property taxes for the Juniper Ridge and Murphy Crossing Urban Renewal Areas to be derived through the division of tax.

Motion by Councilor Campbell, Second by Councilor Piper, those in favor- unanimous

6. Adjourn Budget Committee Meeting


City Council Work Session, approximately 6:15pm

  1. Return to Council Work Session
  2. Results from Reed Market/Bond Roundabout Pilot Project
    Continued to June 17
  3. Update to the Business Requests for Expanded Outdoor Capacity
    Motion in Regular Meeting to move forward

City Council Regular Meeting, 7pm

1. Roll Call:  Mayor Sally Russell, Mayor Pro Tem Bruce Abernethy, Councilor Bill Moseley, Councilor Barb Campbell, Councilor Gena Goodman Campbell, Councilor Justin Livingston, Councilor Chris Piper

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Good of the Order
   A. Mayor and Councilor Comments
Councilor Livingston moved to support the statement. Councilor Piper seconded the motion which passed unanimously.
   B. COVID-19 Update, including the TRACES and BIOBOT Research – Dr. George Conway, Director – Deschutes County Health Services and Dr. Becky Johnson, Vice President of Oregon State University – Cascades, Jeff Buystedt, Christina Davenport

4. Visitor’s Section– submit written comments by email

Members of the public who wish to offer public comment may do so telephonically by calling 1-855-282-6330 and entering access code: 969 175 653## when prompted for a meeting ID number. The public comment phone line will be accessible starting at 5:30pm. Three minutes per person (may be adjusted based on number of speakers).

Mayor Russell to summarize comments received: 32 emails in the last week (as of 3pm today)

  • 10 Police Chief hiring process/body cameras
  • 7 Downtown protest/Council statement
  • Others on short term rentals, responsible pet ownership, allowing HOAs to open pools, downtown street closures
  • Allison, heard wonderful things about the Bend protest, has family in Minneapolis and friends who went to the Prineville protest; concern about those protesting and going forward with these uprisings and protest
  • Khyseth, appreciation of COVID research and comments on selection of new Police Chief
  • Will Anderson, extension of 8 Can’t Wait, to decrease instance of police violence
  • Melanie Kebler commented on the amount of time to wait to provide comments; support 8 Can’t Wait, give committee power to effect change, transparency in Police Chief hiring process and be intention about who is on the panel

Each Councilor provided comments.

5. Consider a Motion to approve the Consent Agenda

     A. Accept Meeting Minutes:
                April 15, 2020, regular meeting

     B. OLCC Report

          C. April 2020 Financial Report

          D. Authorize an Agreement with GSI Water Solutions Inc. for a Water Rights Consultant of Record in an amount not to exceed $525,000.00 over five years

          E. Authorize the purchase of water treatment chemicals from HASA Inc. in an amount not to exceed $150,000 over the next three years, for a total contract amount not to exceed $222,281.32

          F. Approve the 2020 Supplemental Affordable Housing Fund recommendations and to authorize staff to take all actions necessary to fund the approved projects, including signing loan agreements and related documents, without further approval from Council

G. Accept the petition and schedule a public hearing to vacate 2nd Street between Revere Avenue and Quimby Avenue

           H. Adopt a Resolution to Authorize the City to enter into a Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Agreement with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000 for the Drake Pump Station Project

End of Consent Agenda

Councilor Abernethy moved for approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilor Livingston seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote – Councilors Abernethy, Campbell, Goodman-Campbell, Livingston, Moseley, Piper, Mayor Russell Yes 7 No 0 

6. Expanded Outdoor Capacity Program

Councilor Piper moved to authorize staff to implement the temporary program for use of public ROW based on the general framework and criteria presented during tonight’s work session.  Councilor Goodman-Campbell seconded the motion.

Councilor Moseley moved to amend the motion to remove the criterial when there is less than unanimous consent of the businesses. Councilor Livingston seconded the motion. Failed 5-2 (Moseley and Livingston supported)

Roll Call Vote – Councilors Abernethy, Campbell, Goodman-Campbell, Livingston, Moseley, Piper, Mayor Russell Yes 6 No 1 (Livingston)

         7. Second reading of an ordinance amending Bend Municipal Code 1.25.005, Allowing Declarations of Candidacy for November 3, 2020 Election

Councilor Moseley moved for a roll call vote on the second reading of the ordinance amending Bend Municipal Code Section 1.25.005, Allowing Declarations of Candidacy for November 3, 2020 Election, to be adopted by emergency.  Councilor Piper seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote – Councilors Abernethy, Campbell, Goodman-Campbell, Livingston, Moseley, Piper, Mayor Russell Yes 7 No 0

          8. Second reading of an ordinance amending Bend Municipal Code Section 15.10.010 of Title 15, Sewer to implement the Septic to Sewer COVID-19 Relief Program

Councilor Livingston moved for a roll call vote on the second reading of the ordinance temporarily amending Bend Code Title 15, Sewer, Section 15.10.010, to implement the Septic to Sewer COVID-19 Relief Program, to be adopted by emergency.  Councilor Moseley seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote – Councilors Abernethy, Campbell, Goodman-Campbell, Livingston, Moseley, Piper, Mayor Russell Yes 7 No 0

      9. Council Action and Reports

A. Committee Reports

B. Stewardship Subcommittee – discussion of DEI Commission

  •  Councilor Abernethy – CTAC and legislative update
  • Councilor Campbell – Oregon MPO, Affordable Housing
  • Councilor Goodman-Campbell – CTAC
  • Councilor Livingston – MPO
  • Councilor Moseley – thanked staff for working with SE neighborhood interested in connecting to sewer
  • Councilor Piper Deschutes County Stabilization Center, stage 2 of remobilization plan; BEDAB Visit Bend report on Business Plan
  • Mayor Russell

Council directed staff to seek compensation from the City’s contractor or subcontractors on the North Interceptor Project, M.A. Mortenson, for attorneys’ fees incurred in condemnation litigation to acquire easements for the project. Mortenson worked in good faith with the City to resolve this issue.

Councilor Livingston move to authorize the City Manager to enter into a settlement agreement with M.A. Mortenson, including compensation of $116,650 from Mortenson, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney’s office. Councilor Moseley seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote – Councilors Abernethy, Campbell, Goodman-Campbell, Livingston, Moseley, Piper, Mayor Russell Yes _ No _

  10. Receive City Manager’s Report

  • COVID updates and outreach
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Police Chief hiring process

11. Adjourn


Accessible Meeting/Alternate Format Notification

This meeting/event location is accessible. Sign and other language interpreter service, assistive listening devices, materials in alternate format such as Braille, large print, electronic formats, language translations or any other accommodations are available upon advance request at no cost. Please contact the City Recorder no later than 48 hours in advance of the meeting at, 541-388-5505, fax 541-385-6676, or TTY 541-312-8478. Providing at least two days notice prior to the event will help ensure availability.




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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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