Community Meeting Slated to Share OSU-Cascades Advisory Group Recommendations


(Becky Johnson speaking at the Oregon State-Cascades Campus Expansion Advisory Committee meeting)

The community advisory groups that have been working to create a vision, set priorities and develop recommendations for Oregon State University – Cascades’ long range development plan will share their conclusions in a community meeting from 4-6pm on Thursday, January 21 at Aspen Hall on Shevlin Park Road in Bend.

The groups have focused on the areas of arts, culture and enrichment; community integration; sustainability; and health and wellness.

Their efforts build on the work of the Campus Expansion Advisory Committee task forces and provide insight on solutions for a net zero campus; a common understanding of neighborhood livability around the future campus; how the campus can advance arts, culture and enrichment in the region; and an enhancement of wellness within the student and broader communities. Advisory group meeting agendas, presentations and materials, can be found at

The advisory groups’ conclusions will be used as guiding principles by an architecture and engineering design team to create a long range development plan for the expanded campus beyond the initial 10-acre site. The team will also consider student and faculty contributions in support of academic and research programs, and student success spaces.

Three design team candidate finalists will be present at the meeting and available to talk with community members.

The four community advisory groups will reconvene in public meetings through spring 2017 and provide input to the selected campus architecture and engineering design team — on aspects such as architectural design standards, building masses and locations, and site access — as it advances a long range development plan for the expanded campus.

Carpooling is recommended to Aspen Hall.


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