Redmond School District Board Passes Bond Resolution for November 2018 Ballot


The Redmond School District board of directors unanimously approved a resolution to place a bond measure on the November 6 ballot during their board meeting this past Wednesday.

The almost $70 million bond package addresses safety and security upgrades and maintenance projects for every school building, and replaces M.A. Lynch Elementary with a new building.

“I’m pleased that the board took action to make our schools safer, extend the life of our buildings and make them more energy efficient,” Board Chair Tim Carpenter said. “Safe and modern schools help build our economy and community and will leave a legacy that outlasts all of us.”

Before the vote, district representatives went over the proposed bond project list, detailing projects that would include district-wide capital repairs and improvements to classrooms and school facilities, secure school entrances, upgrade or install security cameras, and the plan for full replacement of M.A. Lynch Elementary.

“I’m looking forward to partnering with the board and community to pass the bond in November,” Superintendent Mike McIntosh said. “The bond’s success is critical in ensuring we can properly secure our buildings and keep them running well into the future.”

The school board’s resolution includes the establishment of a citizen oversight committee, an independent citizen-led body in charge of monitoring the planned improvements, progress and schedule of costs of the bond program.

For more information about the district’s bond package, visit


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