Managing a business is no easy task. It comes with great responsibility, requires long hours, and sometimes it seems as if you have no time for a social life. However, the perks of the job can be worth it. The money is great, you’ll gain management experience, and the added responsibility can be great for the ego.
As a manager, your customers should always be your main focus. After all, your business’s success depends on them. Therefore, see five ways to improve your customer satisfaction score.
Get to Know your Customer
You can’t make your customer happy if you don’t know anything about them; therefore, make it a goal to get to know your customer on a personal basis. Know what they like to do for fun, why they do business with you and whether they have any concerns. Be available to them when they prefer to speak to a manager or owner. Create a persona and profile for your ideal customer and share it with the office.
Provide A Receipt
Customers want their receipts; therefore, get organized and use a receipt book to help you track orders and provide documentation of their transaction. A receipt book will come in different sizes and formats, and you can print your logo on the forms using PrintIT4Less. You need to document when customers are spending money with you, and they’ll want to do the same for their personal records. This is one gesture that’s guaranteed to make them happy.
Improve your Atmosphere
Limit the risk of feeling embarrassed every time a customer visits your store or office. Make it inviting and presentable; decorate and enhance the area, so people want to visit your business. Do not hide from your customers, but show your face and be proud of what you’ve built. Your environment is a reflection of you, your business and your staff.
Listen & Problem Solve
Show your customers you care by lending an ear. Listen to their questions and concerns. Not only listen, but tell them you’ll fix the problem and then follow through. Keep your promises and build trust on a personal basis. Always give customers a chance to give you feedback when working with them. Don’t be afraid of it, but see it as an opportunity to improve your business. They’re helping you make it a better experience for everyone involved.
Show them your Appreciate their Business
There’s nothing worse than a company who takes your money and runs. Be mindful to show your customers you care and appreciate their business. Go the extra mile to host a customer appreciation day or call them up and tell them why you’re grateful to have their business. These small gestures of kindness go a long way. They may be impressed and not only want to do more business with you, but will tell their friends why they should too.
It’s important for a business to make money, but managers should always keep their customer base in mind. After all, your goal is to make your employees and customers excited to work with you. These are easy ways to improve your customer satisfaction score and keep them coming back for more.