5 Signs That You’re Working Too Hard [And How to Stop]


Are you working too hard? Not spending enough time with family and friends? Here are five signs you’re working too hard (and a few ideas on how to stop).

It seems like everyone is desperate to figure out how to have a better work-life balance. But some people just can’t seem to achieve it.

And that’s because they’re working too hard.

Millions of people are in this camp, and you might be too. If you’re trying to create a better work-life balance for yourself and your family, the first thing you need to do is recognize that you have a problem. As the experts say, the first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one!

Ready to figure out if you’re overworked? Here are five signs that you’re working too hard (and how to fix it).

1. You Don’t Have Any Free Time

Your friends haven’t seen you in weeks. Your hobbies are long forgotten. It’s been months since you sat down and ate dinner with your family without checking your email halfway through.

When your personal interests and the people you love have to take a backseat, you know you’re working too much.

Your career CANNOT be the only thing you care about. Luckily, there are some things you can do to change that.

Productivity techniques can help you use your work hours more efficiently. That way, you’ll leave the office at a reasonable time, and you’ll have a few evening hours to spend with people you love or focus on the things you love to do.

It’s also important to reserve your weekends and days off for yourself. Take a day off,  and then actually take the day off! Don’t do any work. Instead, use that time to do things you enjoy doing.

2. Your Health is Suffering

You skip meals because you’d rather finish the project in front of you. You don’t get enough sleep because you stay up until midnight finishing reports. You cancel or put off doctor’s appointments because you’re too busy at work.

When you find yourself ignoring the basic things you need to do to stay healthy, you’re definitely working too hard.

Maybe you’re always exhausted. Or perhaps you just never quite feel 100%. Either way, these are signs that you’re working beyond your capacity.

Take the time to eat nutritious meals that will actually fuel your brain and boost your focus. That will make you more productive so you can enjoy a better work-life balance.

Don’t work through lunch. Take a break, eat a real meal, and try to exercise if possible. Even a quick walk around the parking lot can be helpful.

It’s also important to take mini-breaks throughout the day. This is a great way to unwind and refocus, and short breaks can actually boost productivity!

3. The Only Thing You Think About is Work

You go to bed thinking about your job. You dream about work while you sleep. You wake up thinking about how many things you need to do that day.

Every hour of your day is consumed by thoughts of the projects you need to do, the calls you have to return, the boss you want to impress. When you talk to your friends and loved ones, all you talk about is work.

If this sounds familiar, you’re working too hard.

Your job can’t be your only focus in life. If you want to work less and live more, you must learn how to be present in the moment.

When you’re with friends, enjoy that time! Don’t let thoughts of work take you away from an opportunity to laugh and relax.

One way to do this is to commit to leaving the office at a certain time each day. Create a schedule for the day, including the time that you intend to close your laptop and walk out of the building. If you stick to the schedule, you should be able to leave when you want to leave.

By doing this, you’ll actually have some free time to enjoy things outside of work.

4. You Can’t Focus

Your brain and body need ample time to relax, rejuvenate, and refresh. Otherwise, you’ll lose the ability to focus on anything (including work).

Feeling scatterbrained? Having a hard time focusing? Missing deadlines? These are all signs that you’re probably not giving your brain and body the downtime they need.

Here’s how to fix it:

Ask for help in the office. Delegate tasks to your assistants or colleagues when possible. Try to keep your attention on the most important tasks — the things that only YOU can do.

You might also have to stop being the perpetual helper. Don’t spend your time helping colleagues finish their projects unless your own work is done. Focus on YOUR responsibilities before you ever help someone else with theirs.

Get a good night’s sleep every night and make time to relax. Whether you relax through meditation, yoga, or reading, find a few minutes to do those things every day.

5. Your Attitude Has Become Extremely Negative

Do you snap at everyone around you? Are you rude or short with the people you love? Do you ignore phone calls and text messages from friends?

Work too hard and you’re likely to see negativity creeping into all aspects of your life. And that’s because you’re allowing your career to consume your entire world.

It’s time to bring some positivity back into your days.

If you have vacation days to use, use them! Take a week off or plan a two-week vacation. Giving your mind and body a chance to relax may be all you need to get your attitude back on track.

If you can’t take any time off, start small by giving yourself mental breaks at the end of each day. Your commute home is the perfect time to decompress. Think of your commute not just as travel time, but as time to transition your brain from work mode to relaxation mode.

In Summary

Think you might be working too hard? Here’s how to tell:

  • You don’t have any free time
  • Your health is suffering
  • All you think about is work
  • You can’t focus
  • Your attitude is becoming more negative

When you start seeing these signs, it’s time to adjust your habits.

Learn how to be more productive so you can get more done in a shorter amount of time. Eat right, make sleep a priority, and take breaks. Create a schedule and leave the office at the same time every day so you have downtime in the evening.

If you can replace your workaholic habits with some of these new ones, you’ll be well on your way to finding that work-life balance you need.

Author Bio:

Ryan Sundling is the Group Marketing Manager at Cardinal Group Management. He works closely with Wildwood Baton Rouge, a community of apartments in Baton Rouge for college students.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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