9 Tips to Achieve Great Customer Service


When you have great customer service, you can create loyal customers for life who will be happy to refer your business to their family, friends, and colleagues. The first step to excellent customer service is having the desire to delight your customers, but you have to keep in mind that it is more than just the sale of your products or services.

It is important to think about the experience of the customer when they visit your website or store, what the feel and think, and what you can do to make things better. All your customers can find contact information on 2shay.co make sure yours is up to date.

Knowing Your Product or Service

You need to know what it is you are selling if you are interested in providing great customer service. You and any other staff interacting with customers need to know the product inside and out. The questions the customers are going to ask should be on your fingertips so you can know the best way of answering them in a way that they are satisfied with the answer you provide.

Be Friendly

You should always start with a smile. When dealing with customers face-to-face, the first thing your customer sees or hears is greeting, especially when they need help. A smile is also a good idea when handling the requests of your customers over the phone because it can come through in the way you talk. Always try your best to be friendly.

Say Thank You

People remember gratitude, and the customers will be happy they chose to hire your company or shop at your store. Regardless of the business you are running, a thank you for your customer after the transaction is done is one of the easiest habits you can implement.

Training Your Staff

You need to ensure that all employees working for your business know how they should talk to, interact, and assist customers. Providing your employees with training provides them with the tools they are going to need to provide quality service.

Showing Respect

Customer service tends to involve emotions, which is why it is important to always ensure the people handling customer service tasks are respectful and courteous. Never allow emotions to stand in the way of having your customers happy when they leave.


One of the simplest secrets when it comes to customer service is listening. This involves both what they are saying out loud and their non-verbal communication. Look out for any signs of displeasure, while still listening to what they are saying out loud.

Being Responsive

Non-responsiveness when a customer needs help is one of the worst mistakes you can make. You should make sure you respond fast to a customer who has an issue, trying to get help or wants more information about a product. Tell the customer you are looking into that issue and you will be getting back to them shortly. Any response is always better than no response and if you do it well enough they’ll be happy to tell other people about you and be great brand ambassadors.

Asking for Feedback

You might be surprised at how much you can learn by asking your customer what the need and their thoughts on your products or even business. Some ways of doing this are through feedback forms, customer surveys, and questionnaires. Once they have completed their orders, make it a habit to ask them for their first-hand feedback.

Using the Feedback You Get

Once you get feedback from your customers, you need to start using it to improve the customer service process. Review the feedback and see which areas need improvement.  You can then start making changes that can benefit your business and improve customer service.

Great customer service will involve checking in on your customers consistently and making sure that they are happy with the products and services you are providing. You also need to ensure they are happy with the process of ordering from start to finish. If you can do this, then you will be able to provide your customers with quality customer service.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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