Ryan Tedder has written and produced songs (Apologize, Bleeding Love, Halo and Counting Stars) that have been listed as ‘best selling singles’ of all time. Lead singer for the rock band One Republic, Tedder has also written and produced songs for superstars Adele, Beyoncé, Maroon 5, Demi Lavato, Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Jennifer Lopez, James Blunt and One Republic, to name a few. At only 35, with credentials that could span a lifetime and in an industry riddled with jealousy and pettiness, Tedder will not be held back by fear.
What does he have instead of fear? Tedder ‘rocks’ of passion, persistence and perseverance.
Before asking yourself if you are held back by fear, consider the many masks that fear wears: worry, anger, jealousy, despair, resentment or need to control. Each of these masks prevents you from achieving the success you desire.
Fear involves the loss of something—a job, relationship, security, wealth, health. When actively creating new opportunities for our business and professional lives, we encounter daily occurrences that could produce fear. We have two options when presented with a potentially fearful situation: consciously respond or unconsciously react.
Consciously responding could eliminate the fear scenario in a matter of moments. Unconsciously reacting (in anger, resentment, jealously,) could cost years of heartache, financial loss and physical, emotional, and mental pain.
Here are my Top ‘7’ Tips to turn a potentially fearful situation into a success celebration:
1. Uncover Origins. Consider the origin of a current fear like public speaking. Was it a third grade teacher who embarrassed you in front of the class? Perhaps that teacher was having a bad day and took it out on you. You, however, have suffered for years with the ensuing fear. Recognizing its origin makes it easier to understand and release this fear.
2. Identify red flags. What scenarios currently create fear for you? Bringing a bold new idea to your team? Working with a bully? Replace your fear with the courage that you know lies within you. Visualize the success you desire, not the loss you may suffer.
3. Tackle fear of judgment. Take time to acknowledge in writing who you’ve become through your many achievements. A client recently transcended from a strong, powerful business owner to a fearful child in a matter of seconds at the mere thought of being judged. Consciously list your strengths, gifts, talents and accomplishments. Glance at this list before, during and after any ‘judgment’ scenario.
4. Listen to your body. We are often not aware that we’re in the state of fear until we feel a fight-or-flight sensation in our body. It could be the tight chest or shoulders, shortness of breath, rapid speech. Your body is telling you to pay attention. Stop what you are doing. Consciously breathe slowly, assess your situation, and act upon what’s best for you in this moment.
5. Identify your feared loss? When fear blinds you to possibilities, you are missing the larger picture. Surface wise, if you are afraid of losing your job, are you really afraid of losing an important relationship? Identifying your deeper fear helps you to see more clearly how unrealistic your surface fear may be. This deeper fear may be where you need to place your attention.
6. Replace fear with passion. Wherever there lies an opportunity for fear also lies an opportunity for passion. If above mentioned Tedder felt fear of being rejected or ridiculed for his songs, I suspect he replaced this emotion with passion for his art. Turn that bully into a mere annoyance on your way to your next passionate achievement.
7. Ignite perseverance and persistence. Perseverance is the clear intention of your goal – keeping that vision alive. Persistence is the art of consistently taking action in spite of obstacles or fear. This winning combination will outwork and outwit fear.
Facing and overcoming fear is one of the most courageous acts you can experience on your journey to heightened success. Standing on the other side of fear, you are stronger, wiser, more confident and competent.
Conquering fear brings out your inner strengths and insight. I encourage you to step forward with complete confidence, heart and spirit the next time a fearful situation presents itself to you.
Master Executive & Leadership Coach Ann Golden Eglé, MCC, has steered highly-successful leaders & individuals to greater results since 1998. President of Golden Visions & Associates, LLC, Ann can be reached at 541-385-8887 or www.GVAsuccess.com.