On Tuesday, December 10, at 6pm, Redmond City Council will continue their discussion on whether to ban the private use of fireworks within Redmond city limits. Since early November, the Council has been inviting public input and hosted a public hearing on November 12.
Testimony is still being accepted and can be done in person or submitted via email to publictestimony@redmondoregon.gov. The comment period will remain open until Tuesday, December 10, 2024.
Redmond City Council Meetings are held the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6pm. Meetings are hosted in the City Council Chambers, 411 SW Ninth Street in Redmond. They are streamed live at redmondoregon.gov/CityCouncilLive and are also broadcast live on COTV 11 — TDS Channel 11 beginning at 6pm.
For questions on how to provide comment or additional information, please contact the City Recorder’s office at 541-923-7751.