Losing a loved one is one of life’s biggest challenges, and one that we can all expect to face at some point. Loss is a natural part of the cycle of life, and there is no escaping it. Losing a loved one can cause a rollercoaster of emotions as you try to deal with the sudden shift and their absence. Grief is a normal response to the death of a loved one, and it is important to accept these feelings and recognize that any emotions that come up are natural and that, given time, the pain will lessen. Below are some tips on how to cope when a loved one passes.
The Grieving Process
Grief is a very personal experience, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Some might want to be at their loved one’s graveside each day and others may not wish to visit the cemetery, instead preferring to remember the good times together. What is important is to acknowledge your feelings and not push them away, to give yourself time, to know that grieving is a healthy process and to be kind to yourself. You may experience physical symptoms of grief alongside those of sadness, anger and disbelief. These can include fatigue, inability to sleep, weight loss or gain, and a lack of concentration. Ask for support from friends and family. Many will want to help you but may not know how or may fear saying the wrong thing. Asking for simple and practical support, such as providing cooked meals that can be frozen and easily reheated or taking on childcare if necessary, can make a huge difference and allow you the time and space needed to process your grief.
Unfortunately, when facing the death of someone close to you, there are numerous practicalities that also need to be dealt with, alongside the emotional upheaval. The death needs to be pronounced by a medical professional, such as a coroner or doctor. If your loved one died unattended then using a professional death cleanup service can help to minimize the emotional pain of dealing with the environment while also ensuring it is safe. Friends and other family members will need to be notified about the death, and it can be a good idea to get assistance in doing this task so that you don’t have to repeatedly tell people the upsetting news. Similarly, when it comes to arranging the funeral, enlist support from those close to you. There may be financial support available towards the funeral costs, for example through a religious group or if the deceased had military connections.
Facing The Future
For many, looking to the future can feel uncertain after losing a loved one. You may be facing the big questions in life: why are we here and how can I make sure my life is worthwhile? Death is a magnifying lens that focuses attention on the purpose of life, and it can be a positive catalyst, pushing people to make changes or shift their focus. For some, the death of a loved one can inspire them to reaffirm their own goals and give them a renewed sense of urgency and motivation to achieve them.