You might be looking for a side hustle along with your full-time job. Perhaps your current employer isn’t paying you the salary you desire. Maybe you’re a student who wants to supplement your college lifestyle with extra cash. Finding a part-time job may be challenging for specific individuals, but it’s not impossible. Continue reading to know five tips to help you find the right part-time gig for you.
- Check Online Job Boards and Search Engines
One of the first places you may want to visit when searching for an online job is a job board or search engine. Sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and Monster Jobs are viable choices.
Job boards pose as classified ads for companies looking for suitable applicants to join their workforce. These portals may have filters to help you search for nothing but part-time jobs. Specific job postings may even offer internships for students who wish to add experience in their resume before graduating.
Job search engines, on the other hand, aggregate job listings from around the Internet. Therefore, if you click on a job posting in these distinct portals, it may direct you to the main site. These search engines are ideal if you’re looking for specifics. Use enhanced filtering features to narrow results by location, desired salary, and other factors.
Also, there are other portals like SHIFTPIXY.COM. It helps you search for part-time jobs and specific shift times. It’s an excellent site for students and professionals who are free at a particular time frame and looking for side hustles.
- Consider a Preferred Industry
If you want to increase growth opportunities in any company, you need to search for a job that you like. Do something you can commit yourself in doing, and you won’t have to feel like it’s a chore. Therefore, before you send resumes to different businesses, consider the industry where you’d like to work.
A few sectors include:
- Retail
- Food Service
- Education
- Sales & Marketing
- Corporate
- Pet care
Remember, each industry has its unique pros and cons. For example, the retail sector may offer several job openings during peak seasons. The Holiday season is an ideal example wherein companies open their doors to new part-time hires. Furthermore, side hustles in retail may require no prior experience. However, the hours may be inconsistent, and you may need to work during weekends.
- Contact Companies Directly
Aside from looking at online job portals, you may also consider contacting companies directly. Tell organizations that you’re looking for part-time work.
Many business websites have a “Careers” page. Check if your preferred firm offers part-time opportunities. If not, don’t hesitate to ask. After all, you won’t know if you won’t ask. Send a friendly email saying something like, “Is the job position available for a part-time employee?”
The worst you can receive is a reply stating that the job position isn’t available for part-time work. However, if the company replies to you that it’s possible, don’t respond with something as simple as “I want to earn extra cash.” Instead, tell the business you’re interested in the position for career growth. Also, don’t forget to list your relevant experience and skills.
- Show up in Person
It may seem that knocking on the doors of companies is an outdated procedure, but it can still be a go-to option for part-time job seekers. You might even find hidden gems wherein a bookstore or café is looking for part-time staff. Also, these small businesses may not use the Internet to post about the open position.
Even if the company isn’t hiring at the moment, ask if you can leave your resume behind. Many businesses will accept out of courtesy. The drawback here is that it can take days, weeks, or even months before you can get a reply.
Don’t rely on that one company to hire you. Increase productivity by searching for other opportunities instead of twiddling your thumbs at home waiting for that reply (which may never arrive).
- Ask Friends and Family
Get in touch with your network. Ask your close friends and relatives if they know businesses that are looking for part-time employees. The person you ask may even tell you that their organization is hiring part-time staff members at the moment.
Once again, don’t be afraid to ask. You need to put your best foot forward if you want to land a side hustle. It’s also an excellent training method when you’re looking for a full-time job. Students can build experience while looking for job opportunities. Meanwhile, professionals can bank on their other interests through a side hustle.