(Photo| Pexels)
Join Jim Mazziotti, the principal managing broker and franchise owner of EXIT Realty Bend, as he presents a live free career event on Wednesday, August 26 at 6pm. Register at bit.ly/3gqcFYU.
Mazziotti is a veteran of 28 years in the real estate business and is a national presenter and speaker as a Realtor, an author and as a real estate coach.
He will discuss what a career in real estate is like, how to get licensed, the cost to be a Realtor, the potential income, full-time or part-time and much more. He will spend one hour focusing on the business, and will be available to answer any questions. While he will talk about Oregon licensing guidelines, this presentation is applicable to anyone considering a career in real estate from around the country.
You will have the opportunity to learn everything you have ever wondered about pertaining to the real estate business, and whether it’s for you.
ExitRealtyBend.com • soarwithexit@gmail.com • facebook.com/jimmazziotti