Advice for First-Time Business Owners


For first-time business owners, starting up a brand-new business is not only thrilling, but also completely terrifying.  Finding success straight away isn’t always guaranteed. You need to carefully manage your plans in the early stages to get to grips with how your current ambitions will lead to a successful long-term business. The initial start-up is a lot of hard work, but if you put a great deal of thought and dedication into your business, you will achieve results.

If you have never run a business before, but are on the lookout for some crucial advice that is guaranteed to steer you in the right direction, here’s what you need to know:

Focus on what you want

New, young, and ambitious business owners tend to jump at any opportunity that springs to mind, without much thought about what they are committing to. Saying ‘no’ may make you feel as though you’re turning away big breaks before you have had the chance to get up and running; yet agreeing to everything that comes your way could be the biggest mistake you ever make.

Juggling too much too soon will spread your original idea too thin and could impact your chances of success before you’ve even begun. It would be best to stick to one idea first and foremost. If that does well, you can then decide to move on to new ventures. The bottom line is; don’t try and tackle too many ideas at once.

New business owners have a lot to learn, so in order to make the experience as seamless as possible, it is a great idea to enroll onto a specified course such as an online MBA in California. Students learn the likes of functional business knowledge, communication and leadership, and in analyzing problems as soon as they occur.

Do what you love

Don’t start a business just because you know you have popular idea that will generate tones of profit. Popularity wears off eventually and if you don’t have passion for what you do, you won’t be putting your heart and soul into it. Both of these aspects could make the difference between success and failure. You need to be devoted to your business idea and have the intention to watch it grow in the years ahead.

Have a good financial mindset

In many instances, businesses tend to hire an accountant to take care of the finances, however as a first-time start-up, you may not have the funds to hire staff members in the early stages. If you plan on managing the finances yourself, be careful with your outgoings and expenses and keep a note of your profits.

A few ways to keep your costs to a minimum would be to reduce the amount of overheads and offer preorders on the product, rather than stocking up. This way, you won’t be losing out on money by having purchased too many products in your inventory. Instead, the product will be produced on an individual basis, once a sale has been made.

Forget about renting out the very best offices in the city, company cars and the most expensive equipment – be frugal when it comes to your expenses. While it’s extremely tempting to live the lavish lifestyle, you should be keeping a close eye on what you’re spending, or your new business will be at risk of folding if you can’t afford the fundamentals.

Stay healthy

You may have never considered the link between health and setting up a business; however, poor health can have a huge impact on your productivity levels. Unfortunately, you won’t have the typical 9am-5pm work life as most of your friends – you’ll most likely be working around the clock to keep the business ticking over.

While this wouldn’t at all be recommended, it is very easy to become obsessed to the point that you don’t know when to stop. With this in mind, you need to ensure that your health is taken care of properly. Don’t make excuses for not eating the right foods, having a good sleeping pattern, or getting enough exercise. Your health should be a priority above all else.

Make your words and actions match up

Many new business owners are so desperate for success that they give the talk, but their actions don’t follow. Not only is this unprofessional when dealing on a B2B basis, but you’re also likely to disappoint clients and customers if you steer away from the truth. Make sure you talk enthusiastically about your business to generate a positive response, but don’t lie or make any promises you know you can’t accomplish.

If you’re struggling to keep on top of your workload and have no clue as to how you’re going to reach the targets you have set yourself, there are always people you can talk to who will offer the necessary support. Seek guidance from mentors who will be willing to give you practical advice on any part of your business; from accounting, to the hiring process and customer engagement.

Hire wisely

Once your business starts to grow, you may need some extra back-up to make sure that all the different departments are operating smoothly. If you have never had experience in the hiring process, there’s a good chance you don’t have much knowledge on what to look for in suitable candidates. Hiring friends out of generosity could be the biggest mistake you ever make. You need to hire candidates with a good skillset, plenty of experience and can bring something unique to the company. Being your friends’ boss isn’t a good combination and may cause personal issues out of the workplace.

Remember that the employees you choose to take on will have a significant impact on how quickly your business grows in success. Avoid individuals who are simply ‘good enough’ and instead source talent that you have a lot of faith in. Specifically look out for employees who are brimming with enthusiasm, have a vast amount of experience in the sector you’re hiring for ,and are likely to be easy to work with.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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