(Photo | Courtesy of The Environmental Center)
Welcome Back, Youth Ed!
Last week, our Youth Education director Jackie secured a coveted spot for herself and two local teens on an expedition with the Ocean Plastics Recovery Project to remote wilderness beaches in Katmai, Alaska.
During their trip, they learned from environmental scientists, industry professionals and other students about the problems (and solutions) to our species’ addiction to plastic waste. They saw grizzly bears, explored rocky shorelines and collected over 10,000 pounds of trash from the environment.
Thank you to our incredible community of donors — Mt. Bachelor, Children’s Forest of Central Oregon and individuals like YOU — for making this trip a reality for these students.
We are putting together their reflections on what they experienced, learned and what we can do here in Deschutes County to do our part on plastic waste. Stay tuned for this story, published to our blog shortly!
We Are Hiring!
Come join our team or help us to share the news: we are seeking a new full-time Membership & Corporate Giving Manager to join our fundraising team, and TWO additional Summer Camp Interns to help out with our youth outdoor summer programs!
Check out our jobs page to read the full job announcements and instructions on how to apply.
Garden Updates
The Whys and Hows of Food Waste Workshop
At the end of May, we gathered for a community workshop on the topic of food waste, combining the expertise of our Rethink Waste Project and our Garden Program! Attendees learned about the issue of wasted food — the “why” — then stepped outdoors to get hands-on with different composting solutions – the “how”.
Missed the event? You’re in luck! We will release dates soon for the next food waste workshops. One will be a similar format for community members and another will be tailored specifically for local businesses and organizations.
Volunteers Needed For Repair Café
This summer, the Rethink Waste Project will be offering free community Repair Cafés to connect people with broken stuff to people who like to fix stuff, a.k.a. “fixers”! Do you have skills in repair or mending and want to lend a hand? Sign up using our volunteer interest form below and we will contact you!
Our Picks
Happy Hour in the Garden – TODAY – Tuesday, June 7, 4-6pm
Join us in the garden! Volunteers will help Denise with planting, composting and general garden maintenance to prep for summer programming with youth! No gardening experience necessary. Beer provided by Boneyard Beer, non-alcoholic bubbly drinks also provided.
Rogue Farm Corps presents: A Weekend Intensive for Farmers: Farm Tours & Talks in Central Oregon – Saturday, June 11 12:30-5:30pm and Sunday, June 12, 10am-2pm
This weekend intensive for farmers (presented by Rogue Farm Corps) consists of three tours of Central Oregon area vegetable focused farms of varying scales — Mahonia Gardens in Sisters, Sungrounded Farm in Terrebonne and Boundless Farmstead in Alfalfa. The farm tours will focus on understanding the farm’s essential tools, equipment and irrigation systems. Learn more and
Register here!
EnVisioning Bend’s Future – Tuesday, June 14, 11:30am-1pm
Are you worried about the future of Bend—how growth and change may affect our community? Are you excited and committed to help the greater Bend area become the best it can be — both now and for coming generations? If so, please join the next City Club forum: EnVisioning Bend’s Future. Free to attend virtually or $25-$40 tickets for in-person.
Register here.