Parking amendments: Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities // Effective 03/03/2023
PLTEXT20220763 Parking amendments: Climate Friendly and Equitable Communities, effective March 3, 2023
Post Date: 02/01/2023 11am
February 1, 2023 Draft Code Language
PLTEXT20220763, The Type IV amendments are to Bend Development Code (BDC) Chapters 1.2, Definitions, 2.1, Residential Districts, 2.7, Special Planning Districts, Refinement Plans, Area Plans and Master Plans, 3.1, Lot, Parcel and Block Design, Access and Circulation, 3.3, Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking, 3.6, Special Standards and Regulations for Certain Uses, 3.8, Development Alternatives, 4.2, Minimum Development Standards Review, Site Plan Review and Design Review and 4.8, Transportation and Parking Demand Management (TDMD) Plan.
Click here for more information.
Gateway North Master Plan amendments // Effective 01/20/23
PLSPD20220167 and PLCPMA20220195, a major employment master plan for the 52-acre Gateway North area and a Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment to remove Upland Area of Special Interest #25 from the site.
Post Date: 02/01/2023 10:30am
PLSPD20220167 and PLCPMA20220195, Type III quasi-judicial application for a major employment master plan for the 52-acre Gateway North area. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment to remove Upland Area of Special Interest #25 from the Gateway North site.
Click here for more information.
Right of Way amendments // Effective 03/03/2023
PLTEXT20220451 Bend Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan, and Bend Development Code (BDC) Amendments for Public Improvements, effective March 3, 2023
Post Date: 02/01/2023 11:30am
February 1, 2023 Draft Code Language
PLTEXT20220451, The City of Bend is proposing amendments to the Bend Comprehensive Plan, Transportation System Plan (TSP) and Bend Development Code (BDC). The proposed amendments are primarily to provide consistency between the BDC and the recently adopted TSP and updated City of Bend Standards and Specifications. In addition, the proposed amendments include house-keeping amendments in other sections of the code for consistency and clarity. The amendments are to the Bend Comprehensive Plan Chapter 7, Transportation Systems, Chapter 9, Community Appearance and Chapter 11, Growth Management, and Transportation System Plan (TSP) Chapter 5, Transportation Projects and Programs and Bend Development Code (BDC) Chapters 1.2 Definitions, 2.1 Residential Districts, Chapter 2.2, Commercial Zoning Districts, 2.3, Mixed-Use Zoning Districts, 2.4, Industrial Zoning Districts, 2.6, Public Facilities Zoning District, 2.7, Special Planned Districts, Refinement Plans, Area Plans and Master Plans, 3.1, Lot, Parcel and Block Design, Access and Circulation, 3.2, Landscaping, Street Trees, Fences and Walls, 3.3, Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking, 3.4, Public Improvement Standards, 3.5, Other Design Standards, 3.6 Special Standards and Regulations for Certain Uses, 3.8 Development Alternatives, 4.1, Development Review and Procedures, 4.2, Minimum Development Standards Review, Site Plan Review and Design Review, 4.3, Subdivisions, Partitions, Replats and Property Line Adjustments and 4.5 Master Plans, Chapter 4.7, Transportation Analysis, 4.8, Transportation and Parking Demand Management (TPDM) Plan, 4.9, Annexations, Chapter 5.1, Variances, and 5.2, Nonconforming Uses and Developments and minor amendments throughout the BDC for consistency and clarity.
Click here for more information.
Short Term Rental amendments // Effective 11/18/22
PLTEXT20220449, amendments increasing the separation distance to 500 feet for any new short-term rentals, and allowing for an exemption for long-term lease.
Post Date: 02/01/2023 10am
PLTEXT20220449 The proposed amendments will increase the separation distance between properties zoned RL, RS, RM, RH and MR outside of the Old Mill District Boundary for any new short-term rentals (proposal is to increase from 250’ to 500’) in BDC 3.6.500.E, Concentration Limits, and add an exemption to BDC 3.6.500.K, Abandonment of Use, for a long-term lease of 12 months or greater in compliance with BC 7.16.070, Criteria for Approval of an Operating License and Operating License Renewal.
Click here for more information.