April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month


Join the Crook County District Attorney’s Office, Prineville Police Department, Crook County Sheriff’s Office, Crook County Fire and Rescue, Oregon State Police, Saving Grace and Jeep Girls Connect this April to Shine a Light on Sexual Assault. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and the agencies are joining together to educate the community about sexual violence prevention and show support for survivors.

On Tues., April 11 at 7:30pm, after a brief presentation at the Crook County Courthouse front steps by District Attorney Kari Hathorn and Saving Grace, a procession of first responder vehicles, in concert with Jeep Girls Connect riders, will drive up to Ochoco Viewpoint to Shine a Light on sexual assault. The public is invited to join and watch this event from the Courthouse lawn — or look up at the Ochoco Viewpoint shortly after 7:30pm to see headlights shining down on town to highlight the seriousness of sexual assault in our community and show support for survivors.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in five women and one in 14 men experience sexual violence during their lifetime. Sexual violence includes any kind of unwanted sexual contact that is done without the willing, able consent of both parties. Sexual assault is a broad term that encompasses everything from unwanted sexual advances (sexual harassment) on one end of the continuum, to sexual touching and includes both attempted and completed rape on the other end of the continuum.

Sexual assault survivors deserve to be believed, to have their feelings validated and to know that they are not to blame for another’s actions. The victim is never responsible for the assault. There is help for survivors whether they choose to report the assault to law enforcement or choose to get help confidentially through an organization like Saving Grace.

Crook County District Attorney Kari Hathorn stated, “The psychological trauma resulting from sexual assault can last a lifetime. Sexual assault often negatively impacts a person’s life, including their health, work and relationships. The Crook County District Attorney’s Office is committed to seeking justice and providing support for all victims and survivors of sexual assault.”

Saving Grace, the domestic violence and sexual assault intervention services provider in the tri-county area, will host a number of awareness events throughout the region during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, including a Take Back the Night event in Bend on April 27.

saving-grace.org/awareness-month-activities • Saving Grace 24 Hour Helpline: 541-389-7021



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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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