Whether you keep a journal for self reflection, write poetry in your spare time, or create characters who try to find their way through life, creative writers often need a little help. Most writers, at some point in their development, find they write for an audience. Who or where this audience is may be unclear, but all serious writers want their names in print. Deepen your fiction, nonfiction, or poetry with these tips.
Writers read. While some writers don’t read when they are actively writing a novel, collection, or memoir, as they don’t want another writer’s influence on their piece, most writers constantly have at least on book in progress. When you read good material, you’re more likely to write good material, it’s as simple as that. There are also countless books about writing, for poets, fiction writers, and all sub-genres of nonfiction. Books like “The Poet’s Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry” by Kim Addonizio, “The Art of Fiction” by John Gardner, and “Writing Creative Nonfiction” by Philip Gerard, are all valuable resources for creative writers. While theory can only get a writer so far, the experiences and thoughts of successfully published and active authors should never be disregarded.
Writers write. it’s what they do. If you aren’t writing everyday, do so, whether it’s in a dream journal, free write, or a creative piece. If you don’t always have a work in progress, use a prompt to get you started. Many short stories, essays, and even novels have started off as a creative writing prompt. Don’t be overly concerned with the outcome of these prompts. The point of them is to get words on a page, not write a masterpiece. Often you’ll find a singe line or idea from a prompt or free write will spark the creation of a longer or more refined work.
Conferences & MFA
An MFA in creative writing is looked down upon by many. Quite simply, you don’t need an MFA to be a good writer. However, there are many benefits if you find the program that works best for you. Of course, Hemingway didn’t have and MFA in creative writing — but would he have turned down the prospect if he had had the chance? Probably not. An MFA program or even independent writer conferences don’t only introduce you to serious, active writers, but also give you insights into the publishing industry like little else can. Never discount what knowledgeable and successful writers can teach you. While not every word they speak will apply to you as a writer, small nuggets of insight can change your perspective on the writing process.
Workshops & Feedback
As a beginner or intermediate writer it’s scary to put your writing in the hands of someone who may misinterpret it. However, as a writer who seeks publication, you’ll face this sooner rather than later. If you don’t have a physical writers group, there are many online that provide critique and valuable feedback. Online and offline critique groups, however, make you give critique as well as get them. Learn how workshops work and how you can give advice without overly critical language.