Bend Cultural Tourism Fund Seeks Citizen Representatives. Sets Dates for Next Granting Process


The quarterly meeting of the Bend Cultural Tourism Fund (BCTF) Commission will occur Friday, January 8, 2016 from 2-4pm at the Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 NW Wall Street, Bend.

The Commission will be discussing several items, including minor revisions to the Policies and Guidelines, and will appoint two Bend Citizen Representatives and three Executive Committee members. If Bend residents are interested in serving as a Citizen Representative on the Commission they are invited to self-nominate and provide a brief summary on why they want to serve on the Commission.

Send nominations by e-mail to Shannon@PlanchonConsulting by December 31, 2015. Nominations received by that time will be sent to the Commission for consideration at the January 8 board meeting.

Additionally, the on-line grant application for Cultural Tourism grants is now open for use. Intent to Apply forms (optional) are due by February 15, 2016 with full applications due March 31, 2016. Guidelines and instructions for both are available at The Commission anticipates making awards in late spring, with over $125,000 available to support activities occurring after July 1, 2016.

An agenda is available on the same site.

The Bend Cultural Tourism Fund (BCTF) is a grant program dedicated to enhancing the local economy through the promotion and cultivation of Bend’s cultural tourism programs. The intent is to help attract cultural tourists during the shoulder seasons and winter months, when cultural tourism organizations are most active.


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