Bend-La Pine School Board Chair Announces Re-Election Campaign


(Photo courtesy of Andy High)

Bend-La Pine Schools’ Board Chair Andy High kicked off his campaign for re-election to the Board of Directors on March 15. High has served as a volunteer member of the district’s Board for the past six years. Most recently, High has served in the Board’s leadership role as Board Chair for two years.

During his tenure, graduation rates have climbed by more than ten percent, more career and technical education options have been added for students, and student engagement continues to outpace national averages.

High says that as a member of the School Board, he will continue to encourage and participate in open discussions about ideas and innovations that benefit the district, teachers, students and taxpayers.

“I am committed to continuing to find ways to provide students with opportunities that support their future as well as staff with the teaching environments they deserve,” he said. “As a parent of three district students, I understand the difficulties our young students and families are facing. I want to advocate and continue be the voice for our students and staff and to continue to build on our efforts to provide every student with a path to a future of success in career and college.”

High noted that Bend-La Pine Schools is the region’s second largest employer, with nearly 2,000 staff members, and serves nearly 18,500 students in the communities of Bend, La Pine and Sunriver.  High is running for re-election to his seat in Zone 3.

During his tenure, High has helped to secure more than $350 million in bond dollars that have built new schools, extend the life of existing schools and deliver important maintenance and safety projects throughout the district’s 33 school sites. He advocated for the development of a construction project accountability and oversight committee, has helped to connect students with businesses and internships and has pushed state officials to appropriately fund education in Oregon.

“It takes a community to be involved helping our students succeed so that is why I will stay committed to ensuring our education and support teams are valued, heard and provided opportunities to be effective in their work,” he added. “It is critical that our teachers and support staff get the resources they need in order to effectively educate our students.”

Andy is a life-long Oregonian who grew up in Klamath Falls were his family homesteaded around 1886.  Andy is married and has three children who are students at Bend-La Pine Schools. He is the owner, along with his wife, of Thompson Pump and Irrigation in Bend and Madras.

Andy has served on several committees prior to being on school board. He was the Chair of the Bend-La Pine Schools Boundary Committee, Member of the Bend-La Pine Schools Budget Committee, Member of EDCO, Chair and Member of Bend’s Affordable Housing Committee and a very active volunteer coach with Bend-La Pine Schools and Bend Park and Recreation District.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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