Bend Memorial Clinic First In Central Oregon To Offer Orbera Intragastric Balloon Non-Surgical Weight Loss Procedure


Bend Memorial Clinic (BMC) is excited to announce the addition of the ORBERA Intragastric Balloon procedure to the BMC Bariatric Surgery Department. Typically a quick 20-30 minute non-surgical incision-less procedure, with patients generally going home the same day, the ORBERA Intragastric Balloon is a soft yet durable silicone balloon inserted into the stomach, filled with saline and used to reinforce proper portion control.

Once the balloon is in place, a 12-month lifestyle and nutrition coaching program begins followed by the ORBERA balloon being removed after six months.

“We understand the day-to-day challenges faced by people struggling with the disease of obesity and have helped patients lose weight and get healthier with outpatient gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures, said Dr. Stephen Archer, Bariatric Surgeon at BMC. “With the ORBERA™ balloon procedure, BMC is pleased to offer the very latest in non-surgical weight loss to help improve and strengthen the lives of our patients.”

The ORBERA™ Intragastric Balloon procedure is for adult patients suffering from obesity – with a body mass index (BMI) of ≥30 to ≤40 and who have attempted more conservative weight reduction alternatives.

ORBERA™ is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved safe and effective weight loss solution with over 220,000 ORBERA™ balloons distributed worldwide in over 80 countries. Through U.S. clinical trials, the average person successfully lost 3.1 times the weight as compared to diet and exercise alone within six months.

The BMC Bariatric Surgery program encompasses a comprehensive team approach utilizing a variety of food, nutrition and lifestyle counseling to help patients reach their weight loss goals. Patients can select a payment option that fits their financial needs and BMC has contracted special self–pay pricing with all of our providers and facilities as well as surgical financing options available.

For more information or for an appointment contact Kathryn at 541-706-6518 or visit
About Bend Memorial Clinic
Bend Memorial Clinic includes more than 130 providers representing 30 specialties including Urgent Care, Primary Care, Specialty Care, Imaging and Clinical Services. With five locations BMC is the largest multi-specialty group in Central Oregon and provides quality, convenient healthcare known as TotalCareTM. The Clinic has provided primary and specialty care since 1946. For more information, please visit


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