(Map | Courtesy of Bend MPO)
The Bend MPO Budget Committee is established by state law to review and make recommendations regarding the adoption of the budget to the Bend MPO Policy Board. Appointees will each serve a three-year term. This committee meets once a year in March or April. Typically, the Committee meets for one afternoon session.
More information on the Bend MPO budget process is available on our website at: bendoregon.gov/mpobudget and the Bend MPO website news release.
Requirements: Applicants should reside within the Bend MPO boundary. The Bend MPO map is included in the application packet.
Applications are available at online at bendmpo.org and will be accepted until Thursday, March 7 at 4pm. Applicants may take part in an interview process, and final selection rests with the Bend MPO Policy Board.
Applications can be emailed to Tyler Deke at tdeke@bendoregon.gov or submitted at Bend City Hall Administration 710 NW Wall Street, Upper Floor, Bend.