Bend, Oregon Tourism on a High Increasing Transit Room Tax Collections


Visit Bend reports that Bend’s tourism industry continued its historic run through the first month of Fiscal Year 2016. July TRT collections in the City of Bend equaled $1,159,029. This was +34 percent over the previous July (29 percent normalized).

July’s collections also marked Bend’s largest amount ever collected during a single month. Following Bend’s significant increases in TRT collections over the past four years, experiencing a 29 percent year-over-year gain in July (the biggest tourism month of the year), is remarkable.

Of the $1,159,029 collected in July, $702,000 was allocated to the City’s general fund, $410,000 was allocated to tourism promotion and $47,000 was allocated to the Bend Police Department.

You can find the complete TRT report HERE


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