Bend Rotary Program Aims to Keep Students On Track to Graduation in La Pine


The Rotary Club of Bend is teaming up with La Pine High School on a nationally recognized mentor program aimed to keep students on the road to graduation.

In early November, four Rotarians from the Bend-based service organization will be trained as class mentors to work with five classes at La Pine High School.

CHOICES is a national organization that leads workshops that focus on keeping teens in school. Once trained, volunteers take students through real-world exercises on self-discipline, decision making, time management and goal setting.

“We’re excited to become involved in the CHOICES mentor program and hope it can be a positive influence in the lives of Central Oregonians,” said Cindi O’Neil, Rotary Club of Bend president and vice president of Solaire Homebuilders.

“As Rotarians, we have a long history of funding scholarships for college-bound students and this is a great opportunity to help even younger students see their future potential,” she added.
CHOICES supports more than 120 program sites in thirty states with more than 700 business and community volunteers to serve 70,000 teens per year. Rotary Clubs are involved across the U.S.

Rotary Club of Bend is a service organization made up of dozens business and nonprofit professionals who share passion for local and international service projects.


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