Brian Younker Discusses Various Types of Effective Advertising


Companies are constantly on the lookout for new methods of advertising a product or service, hoping to seize the attention of their audience. Every year, companies throughout the world spend roughly $450 billion dollars on advertising efforts.

Whether your company intends to proceed with one sizeable plan or spread it out among several suitable advertising campaigns, the goal remains identical: attract the consumers to your particular offering.

Brian Younker, a serial entrepreneur and the co-founder of Younker Media, presents a few different forms of advertising, explaining how they can be productive tools for your business.

Social Media

Small businesses view social media advertising favorably, as the costs associated with such a strategy are relatively affordable and you are empowered to select a target audience. You can utilize ad targeting options that ensure your promotions are seen by a specific demographic or people who live a certain distance from your company, Brian Younker states. Facebook, with nearly 70% of American adults using its platform, and Instagram, having 60% of its users being under the age of 30, are two excellent online options that can spread the word about your brand. A third popular choice, LinkedIn, though more expensive, caters to small businesses that employ a business-to-business (B2B) sales model and allows them to pursue experts in specific industries.

Print Media

Despite the digital age running rampant, print media continues to serve as a remarkable source of advertisement, especially newspapers and magazines. Millions of people will read your advertisement if you happen to breach this area of circulation, Brian Younker notes. Of the billions of dollars invested towards ad spending in the United States, many companies largely depend on newspapers and magazines as their primary marketing tools. Print adverts are non-intrusive, acceptable to consumers because they are not forced upon them. And print media adverts also provide you with plenty of creative breadth to display your product or service in a captivating manner.

Brian Younker on Billboards

Billboards began as a competitive advertising option in the 1800s and, fast-forward to today, it remains a terrific advertisement medium to consider. All companies use this eye-catching platform to present a product, brand or service in a stunning fashion. Many organizations have, at one time or another, relied on hoarding campaigns, which are visible around the clock, memorable, highly impressive and free for the public to see. Extra incentive for a company to decide on this methodology lies in the fact that the advertiser assumes total control over the ad space and the message it shares.

Campaign Routes

Campaign events are great for elevating sales numbers, developing a buzz around your brand and engaging with the general public. You might organize events throughout an area that ensure customers an enjoyable atmosphere, one that separates itself from the typical shopping routine, Brian Younker says. For companies that prefer a more intimate strategy, radio campaigns can be strongly beneficial for your enterprise because it will reach hundreds, if not thousands, of people rapidly. Customers can be contacted directly and you can communicate with them further by running contests that require them to call in for a potential prize.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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