Bringing the Startup Vibe with Simple Office Design Tips


Having a beautiful office, with good airflow and warm ambience, is not only good for the image of the company. A comfortable office can boost productivity by a substantial margin. This is the reason why more and more companies – and startups – now invest in office spaces that matches the needs and preferences of their employees.

Startups with their open offices and game rooms are ahead of the curve in the office design department. The startup vibe is actually a thing in office design, and these simple design tips and tricks will help you bring the startup vibe to your own office.

Lights and More Lights

Light creates the illusion of space and warmth when used correctly, making it a key component in good office design. The last thing you want is a set of neon lights on your ceiling, simply because it creates a sense of coldness to the space. The setup isn’t good for productivity either.

Instead, you want to rely on two things: a lot of natural light and concealed light sources. The former is easy. Add a lot of floor-to-ceiling windows to the space and you can bring plenty of natural light in. if you look at the work of top interior designers Neumann/Smith Architecture, you will see that large windows are beautiful and functional.

Concealed lights, on the other hand, allows you to be more tactical with your lighting. LED strips and bulbs are handy for this purpose. They are energy-efficient yet powerful enough to be used as concealed light sources. Balance the light temperature with natural light and you are all set.

Murals and Arts

If you think murals will only make your office space look untidy, think again. Murals, when used deliberately as part of a more holistic interior design, work really well in adding colors, introducing patterns, and altering the ambience of an office space altogether.

You don’t have to fill every wall with murals either. In fact, you shouldn’t. If you want to use murals to your advantage, choose walls that are big enough and strategically placed. Be careful with your choice of colors and the design of the murals themselves.

Arts work the same way too. Never hesitate to add inspiring posters, works of art, and even statues to the office space. These may seem like small additions to the space, but they alter the mood of the space greatly.

Dividers with a Personal Touch

Last but certainly not least, think about adding dividers to certain areas of the office space. While the open office concept is very popular, adding one or two dividers to the space can improve flow and make the entire office appears more welcoming.

You can use wood and warm colors, open racks and bookcase dividers, and accessories to go along with them to complete the set. You’ll be surprised by how different the space will look with these minor modifications added.

Utilize these tips to bring the startup vibe to your office space. The vibe – the warmer, more welcoming ambience – will have a positive effect on the productivity of your employees.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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